Chapter 5

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After nursing Willow I burp her and then she falls asleep I lay her back in her car seat as carefully as possible. I cuddle into Tobias' chest and then open my new tablet.

I set it on the desk and draw when I am done I realize what I drew looks like trash

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I set it on the desk and draw when I am done I realize what I drew looks like trash. Tobias tries to look over my shoulder but I block it and say "It looks like trash" he sighs and says "Fine" then kisses me. While we kiss he steals the tablet and looks at it "Oh my god Ri it's amazing" I roll my eyes. 

When I am not paying attention he saves it and then I delete it but I didn't know he saved it to his laptop ugghhh he is so annoying sometimes

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When I am not paying attention he saves it and then I delete it but I didn't know he saved it to his laptop ugghhh he is so annoying sometimes. Then I turn off the tablet and with the night 1 hour and 15 minutes (Because if the double periods) I cuddle into Tobias' chest and nap, I wake up 45 minutes later to Tobias twirling my hair and I just smile I look at the clock at see we still have a half and hour left so I kiss Tobias and pick up Willow. I love holding her it's like she's mine and she's not just a robot I am pulled out of my thoughts when the bell rings so I put Willow back in her baby carrier and then we head out to the cars to go get food. When I get out to the car with Tobias I buckle up Willow and look in the diaper bag and to my surprise I find a sling which is what I was looking for. We head to Panera bread for lunch and when we arrive I put Willow in the sling and Tobias grabs the diaper bag and we head inside to eat. (Lunch is an hour and a half and Panera is only 5 minutes away from school) we order and get a huge table for us and the gang since there is 10 of us if you count Willow but she is staying in her sling so technically 9. We are waiting for food and it has been 15 minutes and then I hear a voice that sounds familiar I whip around recognizing the voice and he sees me and walks over "Hello Bea, How have you been" I glare at Al, Drew, and Peter, after Al questions and stand up and reply "You get the hell away from me, the last time I saw you, you tried to throw me in a chasm and so help me god if you come ANYWHERE near me I will kill you." I sit back down and Peter whispers "God damn that dress is sexy" I turn around and hit him in the nuts and say "This dress is from Four my boyfriend of 10 years because today is our anniversary so back the fuck off." They all leave and the gang all have looks of shock and confusion on their faces I say "They are the reason I moved here. 4 days ago I was at home and those three idiots Peter, Drew and Al are all triplets and have a crush on me. When I told them to fuck off they kidnapped me and tried to throw me in a chasm thank god some guy came and saved me but I passed out before I could see who it was and then when I woke up I was at home." I sigh and Tobias whispers in my ear gently "Can I tell you a secret" I nod and whisper "Forever and always" he smiles and says "I was that man, I had been walking and I heard someone was in danger but I couldn't see your face because it was covered" I kiss him and then Uri yells "NO PDA" I roll my eyes and then Willow begins to cry. Tobias hands me the nursing blanket and I cover up and feed her while i'm feeding her our food comes and then Willow is done eating so I put her in the sling and she falls asleep (I say fall asleep because her eyes are permanently shut so she can't really be like looking around or anything sorry for any confusion.) I eat my food which is a small bowl of chicken noodle soup, a side salad and a diet coke. When we are done eating we still have 45 minutes until we have to be back at school so we say goodbye to the gang and Tobias and I head to the target next door. When we get there I walk into the baby section hold Tobias' hand and we buy a couple outfits and pacifiers and other things. Because with the remote the teacher gave us we can change her settings. While we are walking Tobias hands me a card and I open it. It reads "So you know how Willow is supposed to be a school project. Well I called your parents and told them we were dating and you were enjoying Willow and so they gave me some money for you anniversary present and she is ours forever." I close the card and smash my lips to his and whisper "God my heart is going to explode" He smiles and pecks my lips then we buy a bunch more baby stuff now that I know she's ours forever. We load up the car and head to the school with 15 minutes to prepare so I pack her new outfits and stuff that is small in the diaper bag and then put her in clothes. (This whole time she's just been in a diaper) I walk into the school with her in the sling and go to open my locker when I do it has 6 roses in it but they don't look real. I whip around "How many gifts did you get me" He shrugs and laughs. He smiles and says "I know you love roses but hate when they die so they are real roses that are encase in gold" he breathes. "There are 4 roses 1 rose pendant and 1 glass encased rose" I smile. And whisper "Oh my god you can't get any more perfect but I hate to know how much it costs" He frowns and says "I don't care about price I care about you" I kiss him and we walk to music barely on time.

 And whisper "Oh my god you can't get any more perfect but I hate to know how much it costs" He frowns and says "I don't care about price I care about you" I kiss him and we walk to music barely on time

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 Today we have to do a duet so Tobias and I work together and he is playing guitar and I am singing. We practice for a half and hour and then we go first. I hop up on the stage and Tobias says "we are preforming the song fly by Maddie and Tae." 

Baby blue staring in the window pane
Just counting drops of rain
Wondering if she's got the guts to take it
Running down her dreams in a dirty dress,
Now her heart's a mess
Praying she will find a way to make it

So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake
Just keep on reaching though the limb might break
We've come this far, don't you be scared now
'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down

Searching for a sign in the night even like a lonely string of lights
That'll burn just long enough for you to see it
The road's been long and lonely and you feel like giving up
There's more to this than just the breath you're breathing

So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake
Just keep on reaching though the limb might break
We've come this far, don't you be scared now
'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down

On the way down

You won't forget the heavy steps it took to let it go
Close your eyes, count to ten, hold your breath and fly

Keep on climbing, though the ground might shake
Just keep on reaching though the limb might break
We've come this far, don't you be scared now
'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down

Oh, oh

Everyone claps and applauds us and we bow and walk off the stage Tobias can tell I am deep in thought and he whispers "There is only 1 more gift I swear and you parents helped me pay for all of this so don't worry about the price" I smile and nod. 

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