Chapter 14

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After Lauren left I became nauseous so I leaned into Tobias and closed my eyes, of course he knew what was happening so while he was rubbing soothing circles on my lower back the rest of the gang was panicking and this cause me to be more nauseated. I lurched forward and ran to the bathroom Chris came running after me she probably told Tobias to stay. I realize I am in my fourth month and not supposed to be nauseated but it is a special thing because I am so young which sucks. (Okay before you guys dis me I know this is not how that works but it is my book and that is how I want it Okay?) After about 10 minutes of vomiting I sit up against the wall of the stall and Chris hands me a tissue and I wipe my mouth. She then reaches out a hand and I take it and she helps me stand up. I walk back into the class and all of the gang have looks of sympathy and worry on their faces which I hate because I hate being looked at like an abused puppy. I sit back down on Tobias' lap and he whispers in my ear "You okay" I nod and he leaves it alone knowing I hate sympathy went everyone is giving to me constantly I kiss him. I whisper in his ear "I brushed my teeth" and then he doesn't hesitate and kisses me back. After a minute we pull away and I get out my tablet and start drawing the next order which was a picture of a rose encased in glass

 After a minute we pull away and I get out my tablet and start drawing the next order which was a picture of a rose encased in glass

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Once I finish I decide not to do anymore today because I am still nauseous and I just want to have a chill day. The bell just rang and now we have to go to art which I love but then realize that means more drawing ugh I love drawing but my hands hurt and I don't feel good but whatever. When we get to class the teacher announces "you have to pick a partner and draw them and this drawing is due at the end of class." Everyone gasps or groans but I just shrug and Tobias and I will be partners which I already know what to draw. I draw a picture of Tobias turned around showing me his tattoo which I am the only one who has seen it fully other people have only seen glimpses of it

 I draw a picture of Tobias turned around showing me his tattoo which I am the only one who has seen it fully other people have only seen glimpses of it

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Half way through class the teacher announces "Change of plans we are going to start displaying right now. Tris Prior up to the bored" My eyes widen but I get up take a deep breath and she sinks my tablet to her computer and puts my picture on the board everyone gasps and starts whispering to other. She saves my drawing on the computer but gives me back my computer and I go and sit back down Everyone starts clapping and whistling and I don't know why until I see the teacher printed my drawing and hung it up my eyes widen again and I face palm then lay my head down. I feel someones hands on my back and I tense until I realize it is just Tobias I relax and he asks "My god baby that is amazing but how did you memorize every curve and line of my tattoo" I snicker and reply "Because I loved you then, I love you now, I always have and I always will." He kisses me and then he is called up to the board and when I look I see a picture of me that could use a tiny bit of work but other than that he did great. 

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