they arrived at beacon hills preserve, stiles having explained what they were doing on the way. apparently, half a body had been found and the whole fucking police station or something had set out to find the other half, and so had they. juniper just thinks stiles likes breaking the rules and getting in trouble, which probably made her confused the most because whenever she heard he was getting in trouble, she was actually happy. maybe its just the fact that they both like getting in trouble and they're both big fans of star wars and any superhero or super villain known to man. they stepped out of the car, a torchlight in stiles' hand.

     "we're seriously doing this?" scott asked.

     stiles shrugged. "you're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town."

     "his not wrong," juniper pointed out helplessly, chuckling when scott frowned at her as she followed stiles.

     "i was trying to get a good nights sleep before practise tomorrow," scott followed the two.

     "right, cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort," stiles glanced over at juniper, shrugging. the girl rolled her eyes while pulling her hair into a ponytail, not feeling the need to have it down.

     "no, because i'm playing this year," scott sighed, giving juniper a disappointed look when the girl snorted, obviously not believing the boys words. "in fact, i'm making first line."

     "sure you are," juniper grinned at the funny belief he had.

     "no, no, hey, junie," stiles shook his head, looking back at scott. "thats the spirit. everyone should have a dream."

     "even a pathetically unrealistic one?" juniper asked.

     "exactly," stiles nodded.

     "just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" scott asked.

     "huh," stiles sighed. "i didn't even think about that."

     "and, uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" scott questioned.

     "also something i didn't think about," stiles shrugged.

     "so you sent me out here on a potential suicide mission?" june asked.

     "yep," they started to climb up a steep hill, juniper huffing.

     "its comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail," scott wheezed.

     "i know."

     "maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" scott pointed out, taking a puff of his inhaler and following the two. they reached the top, juniper almost screaming when stiles grabbed her hand and made them both duck to the floor.

     "seriously?" she glared at him.

      "sorry," stiles mumbled. they looked forward as scott tumbled down next to them, watching as the policemen ― and woman and dogs ― walked towards them unintentionally, looking for the other half of the body. stiles grinned. "hey, come on."

WAVES OF GRAY¹ ― stiles stilinskiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن