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Fukase couldn't remember what he had been dreaming about. Not again. It felt like something important. He squinted at the dark ceiling as he laid in bed and fished for some semblance of a reminder. Nothing. He rolled over and flipped his pillow before his phone buzzed a second time, reminding him of why he woke in the first place.

What idiot is calling me at this hour? The thin slices of sky between the window slats were still dark. As soon as he saw the name displayed on the screen, a sleepy smile spread across his face. Oh. It's my idiot.

"What's up?" he answered through a yawn.

"Look outside," came Oliver's voice.

Fukase rolled over again. "What?" Oliver's words made little sense in his sleep-fogged brain.

"Look outside your window."

Fukase wrapped his blanket around himself as he sat up. At the window, he rubbed his eyes. The room was silent except for Oliver's heavy breaths through the phone. It sounded like he had been running.

Outside, the world emanated a silence quieter than any other snowscape Fukase had ever witnessed. Every hard corner had been softened and every detail smothered by vast soft drifts. He could barely see the edges of the street at all. Tiny airborne flakes spun like white glitter in the light of a street lamp.

Fukase dared to disturb the perfect silence and whispered into the phone. "It's snowing."

"So beautiful." Oliver whispered too. He sounded like static through the speaker.

"But we see snow every day. It's winter. Did you wake me up at who knows what hour just for this?" I mean, I'm not complaining, but...

Oliver's voice took on a teasing quality. "I'm not talking about the snow. Use your eyes, dumbass."

There was something moving out on the street. Someone waving a mittened hand. A cheery red hoodie peeked out from underneath a dark coat dusted with powdery white.

Fukase waved back. "Is that you?" he asked stupidly.

"Why don't you come see?" The waving turned into a beckoning motion accompanied by a singsong promise over the phone. "I'll make it worth your while."

"Wait right there." Fukase shrugged off his blanket and turned on the lamp. He blinked rapidly as he fumbled in his closet one-handed for his jacket.

He had just seen Oliver last night at the Kagamine twins' party, but for some reason it felt like it had been ages since he had last seen those clever hazel eyes and cheeky grin. Held that precious hand...

"You know that I'd wait all night for you," Oliver commented through the line. "Though I would prefer it if you would hurry."

...and heard that nonstop affectionate teasing. Fukase was amazed how Oliver could be himself so thoroughly in the early morning while Fukase could barely make a coherent thought. Just one more item to add to his "What I Love About Oliver" list.

"Right, right." Fukase hung up and pulled on his jacket.

Downstairs, he yanked on gloves and a coat. He shoved his bare feet into his sneakers by the door and the next thing he knew snow buffeted against his face as he ventured outside.

"Oliver," he called.

"Kase!" The figure came running towards him.

Fukase thought he was going to get a hug. Not handfuls of snow shoved down the back of his coat.


Fukase's spine arched painfully and the sleep fog flew from his head like powder under a snow blower.

A Very Simple Story (A VOCALOID Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now