Bunny Boy

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Today you were gonna pet sit your boss' hybrid

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Today you were gonna pet sit your boss' hybrid. Yeah, more like hybrid sit.

Hybrids were a normal part of society and a lot of people had them... Perverted people. A hybrids rights were worse than actual animals rights and no matter how much it bothered you, you didn't really care about it most of the time. Not because you were heartless of anything but because you had never really had a hybrid or even talked to one. Most of the times you even forgot that hybrids were a real thing.

Hybrids are like a combination of an animal and a sex toy, they are human too of course but since they're not treated like they are, it's hard to throw that human part in the combination. 

Think of it like this, a human with to animal ears on top of their heads and a tail placed just above their butt; obviously different breeds means different looks but just as an example. A hybrid who has a human mind, are used because a human wants too, but when they aren't doing anything to please or when the human don't need them, they are treated with utterly disrespect and disgust. They look like cute animals, but are treated like sex toys. 

The society we live in doesn't even bat an eye to it, like it isn't a problem. When the question does come up about how people treat hybrids, it's dismissed and people just say 'But that's how it's always been'. 

You waited at the front of your house, it wasn't super cold and the sun was shining; classic spring day. A faint sound was heard and you turned your head to see a car coming closer to your house. This must be Namjoon and his... hybrid. 

You didn't really know what to think about Namjoon when you found out he owned a hybrid. It was clear that he was nervous about asking you and since he said that he hadn't trusted anyone else to take care of his hybrid it might have been because he thought that they would judge him like you are judging him now. Maybe Namjoon though that you wouldn't judge him because you were his friend and here you were, judging him. You started to feel a tingle of guilt build up within you for thinking so badly about Namjoon but as you saw him get out of his car with his hybrid all of the guilt feelings had disappeared as fast as they came. 

Namjoon had a leash in his hand and a bunny on his side. The leash was attached to the bunny's collar and as they walked up to you the bunny looked down on the ground.

"Hello Y/N!" Namjoon said with a cheery voice.

"Hi." You blatantly replied back. 

Namjoon must have heard the tone of your voice and realized what you were thinking in your mind as he quickly said,

"NO, no, no. I don't use my hybrid for thing like that, it's just the law that all hybrids should have a leash when they're not inside their house!"

It did make sense what Namjoon said but having on a leash from his car to your house? Was that really necessary?

"It's not even a long walk between your car and my house, you're not gonna get caught!" still having a little doubt in your mind Namjoon laughed and awkwardly stated,

"I used to never have him on a leash walking to the car or out of the car before when I first got him. But one of the ladies that lived near me saw me walking him into my house without a leash and she called the cops. I just didn't want it to happen again, it's kinda like a habit now." 

You did believe in Namjoon now and you felt a bit bad for thinking that he was a bad person. As you let out a quiet laugh Namjoon started to speak. 

"This is Jungkook, he's a bunny hybrid. He's a bit shy but he won't cause you any trouble at least. I brought this bag with some stuff he might need. I won't be able to answer any of you calls of texts but if you have any trouble, try to ask Jungkook or search it up online."

Namjoon handed you the bag he was talking about and the leash as well,

"You can take it of when you're inside, I just don't wanna risk a bear or something calling the cops ya'know." 

You took the leash from his hand and when the goodbyes where said you went into your house with a bunny hybrid. 

When everything was out of the way and Jungkook's leash were off, you saw his nose starting to twitch a little bit. 

"Hello Jungkook, my name is Y/N... Is something wrong?" you said as you reached your hand out to his which he took in his own shaky and and mumbled something you couldn't make out.

"What?" you asked as you tried to catch a glimpse of his face that was hung low.

"Are you my new owner?" Jungkook asked while looking at you.

"No, I'm just gonna look after you today. Namjoon will come here to pick you up later." you looked into Jungkook's brown eyes that was coated with tears building up.

"Why do you think so Jungkook?"

"Because he's never left me with someone else before even though he has had days where he couldn't take care of me... And he was so nervous on the way here, like he didn't want me to find out that he was giving me away."

Jungkook's tears were finally released and you walked up to him with small steps to not frighten him. 

As you were comforting him he was getting calmer and calmer and you decided to randomly just watch TV after that. Nothing special since the two of you were talking with each other over the sound of the TV. Jungkook didn't seem super shy in your eyes anymore as he was talking about his favourite shows on TV and how he was soon finished watching all of the Naruto episodes. 

Your face fell as you remembered about Jae-hyung and Itachi. Jungkook seemed to notice as he stopped talking and looked at you.



"Why did you become so sad just now?"

"A life is ending, without a choice." 

I almost forgot to update since I've been sick all day

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I almost forgot to update since I've been sick all day... but here you go!!!

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