"chocolate frog." she says and it swings open. the green light from within fills the hall and we both jump inside.

i get into the almost empty dorm. Draco was sitting on the bed shirtless when i opened the door. he spun around and on his face was the biggest smile i had not only seen on him, but on anyone.

"did you see the test scores?" he says basically jumping up and down. i could barely speak, i had never seen him shirtless before and if i was completely honest, not bad.

"No i was to nervous!" i say. his excitement was so adorable that it traveled across to me. my heart started pounding into my chest. boom boom... boom boom... boom boom. "where did you rank?"

"You got second in the class!" he stops. and to my own shock, i wasn't sad. i wasn't angry and i wasn't disappointed.

"wait does that mean...?" i say.

"mm hmm! I GOT TOP OF THE CLASS!!!" he says. i drop all of my things and run into his arms. he lifts me up and my feet dangle in the air. i go red as i remember that he isn't wearing a shirt.

"I am SO proud of you!" i say. my voice was scratchy because he was holding me so tight but i loved ever second.

"i walked passed Mr Flitwick on my way here and he congratulated me right but he was so shocked! i swear he thinks i cheated!"

"How could be we have anti-cheating quills?" i say.

"that's the thing he is confused about!" she says putting me back on the ground. we were still embraced in a hug.

"You are amazing!" i say. our hands are on each others arms when we let go. he stroked mine and i get a tingly sensation down my back. this was the good tingles. "I never noticed how beautiful your eyelashes are." i say but before i knew it, our lips were touching. passionate and true. better then anything that has happened to me. this was our moment. THE moment and no one could take that away from us. it started getting intense. we giggles into each others lips as we started to pull my arms out of my robes. it falls on the ground and i pull away for air.

"Hermione?" he whispers. pulling me in we kiss again. walking to the bed, i lay on top of him. button by button and my shirt comes off, i fling it onto the floor taking a big, deep breath in and then... SMASH!!!

"THEIR HERE! THEIR HERE! I TOLD YOU HARRY!" Ronald screams from the doorway. we jump up in the air horrified. i still had a t shirt on but Draco stood there shirtless and half my clothes lay on the floor. this looked bad.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE? GET OUT!" i scream at the top of my lungs. i was so close to them they could probably hear my heart beating. it was bouncing inside of me like it was a ball to a whistle.

"we could ask you the same question slut!" he says. his face looked so smug and i wanted to punch him. Harry was so shocked there was no way of telling who's side he was on.

"HEY! don't call her a slut!" Draco says stepping forward. "Its pretty rich coming from you isn't it Weaslebee?"

"oh yeah that reminds me Malfoy. Pansy said I do it WAY better then you ever did!" Ron says. i get a stabbing pain in my chest before Draco rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"That's only becau...." he stops. Ron looks at us in victory but i wasn't going to let him win.

"were you stalking me?" i spit?

"No!" Harry says.

"Your still not over me yet huh Ronald?"

"please! it took about 2 seconds to get over a trash mudblood like you." Ron says, chest puffed out all tough. Harry's eyes grow wide.

"GET OUT!" i scream.

"No I'm not done with you! whats going on here anyway?"

"I'm tutoring Draco." i say grabbing one of the Charm books off the bed and shoving it in Ron's smug face.

"yep looks a lot like tutoring to me! who do i need to pay to get that kind of tutoring?"

"That's called prostitution Weasel!" Draco says. Harry nods his head and tugs Ron's arm to leave but he doesn't budge.

"no Harry I'm not leaving. in fact why don't we get a bigger audience?"

"Ron don't!" i say but before i knew it, he had called all the Slytherin's out of there rooms, including Pansy and the rest of Dracos gang. Blaise storms into the room the throws me my robe.

"Thanks Blaise." i say with a smile as i throw it over myself. Pansy pulls him over as she cackles at me and Draco. Everyone else watches and laughs. i turned red even though i wasn't feeling embarrassed. "wow Ron how insecure are you really? need to bring other people down to make yourself feel better?"

"Well Hermione, Draco's just another guy that failed to get into your pants!" he says.

"That's just making you look bad Weaslebee!" i say not even thinking. i actually wasn't thinking about anything i was saying this whole time.

"OOHH tough little Hermione being a big girl!"

"could say the same about you Ronald," i say. 'oh's' come from the large crowd. i felt like i was on some reality T.V show.

"Go off and cry like a little girl." he says.

"Ron you can't use that insult. I AM a girl. YOU'RE not so when you do it, the insult makes sense." he rolls his eyes and steps back. smashing his face against Pansy's. "I'm sorry," i say as i burst out laughing, "I just remembered how shit you are at kissing. i literally felt like i was at the water park every time you kissed my forehead!" i say. Draco grabs his mouth trying to hold back laughter. when Ron looks at him, he kisses me on the forehead. everyone screams from the comeback.

"your a whore!" Ron shouts. i couldn't tell whether it was to me or Draco but it still stung.

"I don't care what you think about me Weasel. You, and your opinion mean nothing to me." i say.

"that's a shame because it was your bad decisions that got you here in the first place..."

"What? with someone i am happy being with? someone who actually cares about me and my feelings?" i look back at Draco, tears were filling his already glassy eyes. my eyes started to water as well.

"No I'm talking about stealing Harry's cloak to sneak off and see a death eater!" Ron says. my face freezes. they found out about the cloak!

"i can't believe how bad this year has gone!" harry says. his face is pale and his hands were in his hair.

"What because you aren't the center of attention? because you don't have defeating Voldemort to look forward to at the end of the year? because me, Hermione Granger, your humble and smart side kick actually gets the be the main character of the story?" i felt horrible for Harry because i stole his cloak but my mouth was saying things i was thinking too.

"At least Harry's is a story people would read Mudblood!" Ron smirks. Everyone around him laughs. i step closer. we were in each others faces. before i could even think of stopping myself (i probably wouldn't have anyway) my hand hit his cheek with a loud clap. i slapped him.

"Get out..." i say in a low, angry tone, " I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT!!!" i step forward once more, forcing then backwards and out the door. i slam it shut, hiding the rest of the Slytherin house behind it. we hear them all pile off into their own dorms and i couldn't help but break down. sliding down the door, big, fat tears rolling down each of my cheeks. Draco bends down, a sincere look on his face.

"Lets go somewhere." he says, holding his hand out for me.

Guilty pleasure // a Dramione storyWhere stories live. Discover now