Battle Preparation

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Alec's POV

The snow is sticking. Tomorrow, we will attack. I looked over to Jane, who was chatting with Demetri about which person gets which opponent. I was more worried about....other variables in this problem. If that pixie does see us coming....won't she....I don't know.....get help? I mean, a few Cullens against the ENTIRE Volturi coven doesn't seem like the odds are in their favor. So what if they gathered other covens to fight against us. What if we turned out outnumbered? I mean, my sister and I could always use our gifts but even then, what if there is a shield like Bella? Now thinking about Bella....what if she turned into a vampire and found out how to upgrade her gift somehow? Like stretch it to another person or something. Then we would be at a huge disadvantage. We would need an army of Felix trained vampires to fight them then. Ugh. Whatever the results, this will NOT turn out pretty.

Jane's POV

I gazed over to my brother who was sitting by the tree alone. He seemed to be deeply troubled by something. Was he worried about the fight? No...I mean. We are the VOLTURI. Supreme rulers of the vampire world. And it will remain that way. Right?

Alec's POV

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize Jane walking towards me and putting a hand on my shoulder, sitting next to me and laying her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her, rubbing her arm soothingly and kissing her forehead, resting my chin in her soft, blond hair.

"What is troubling you, Alec?" her melodic voice asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm just worried about tomorrow's fight." I mumbled.

She looked up at me shocked.

"Worried? Alec, you didn't forget, did you? We are the SUPREME rulers of the vampire world for over THREE THOUSAND years! One little fight isn't going to change that." she said.

I shook my head and sighed.

"It's not that simple dear. Think about it. With that pixie vampire, they could gather a huge battalion of vampires, newborns and aged vampires, even older than we are. More experienced, understanding of how we act, and fight. What if that little human, Bella, is turned into one of us and her shield expands to her other little friends? Then our gifts are rendered useless. Don't forget their little mutt friends. And the Denalis. Surely they have asked for their help by now and are thinking of ways to kill us." I said, worry obvious in my voice.

Jane seemed to process this for a moment. 

"You're right. As usual. And this time I really wish that you were wrong." she muttered.

I sighed and nodded.

"Me too. Me too."

-the next day at the battlefield-

Jane's POV

I was standing next to Alec, behind the masters, staring at the Cullens with all the hate in my eyes. They posed a threat to our kind, my coven, and now my HUSBAND? Who do they think they are?! I quickly scanned the battlefield and saw nearly all the covens there. Like I said last night, I really wished that Alec was wrong. But no. He was right. That little pixie ruined everything. Speaking of her, where is she and her obnoxious mate? 

Alec's POV

I noticed my sister tense at the sight of that many opposing vampires. I was honestly afraid for her safety  and well being but I couldn't show that right now. Not in front of the enemies. They could take that as a sign of weakness, something that is frowned upon in the Volturi. I turned my gaze back to the Cullens and mutts. Carlisle stepped out and opened his hands as in a gesture of welcome. Ugh. Pathetic much?

"Aro, let's discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner." he said.

"Fair words Carlisle. But a little out of place considering the battalion you have assembled against us."

My and Jane shared a smirk.

"I can promise you. That was never my intent. No laws have been broken." he added.

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"We see the child. Do not treat us as fools!" hissed Caius.

"She is not an immortal child! You can see the blush in her cheeks and the blood in her veins." said Carlisle.

"Artifice!" hissed Caius.

Aro held out a hand as a signal to stop their little dispute.

"I will collect every facet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story...Edward. As the child clings onto your newborn mate, I assume that you are involved." he said, smiling.

Edward turned around and exchanged a few words with Bella, running his fingers over his daughter's hair. He slowly walked towards Aro's extended hand. He placed his hand in his and three antagonizing seconds passed. 

"Fascinating. May I meet her?" asked Aro after releasing Edward's hand.

He reluctantly turned around and waved his wife forward, telling her to bring some friends over. Ugh. So pathetic. Bella walked over with her daughter, one of the mutts, and Emmett. Bella reunited with her husband, and glared at Aro.

"Ah....young Bella. Immortality becomes you." 'complimented' Aro.

His gaze shifted to the young vampire and a high pitched giggle filled the air. God, he can be so weird sometimes.

"I hear her strange heart." he stated the obvious.

The little hybrid did have quite a nerve, I'll give her that.

"Hello Aro." she said.

She walked over to Aro and placed her little hand on his cheek. The entire guard immediately tensed at her bold action. Aro's expression changed dramatically from excited to shocked. He pulled back and faced the guard.

"Magnifico. Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn, while she was still human." said Aro, astonished.

"Impossible." hissed Caius.

"You think they fooled me brother?"

That immediately shut him up.

"Bring the informant forward." he hissed.

The lower guards brought Irina forward.

"Is this the child you saw?" he hissed.

"I..I'm not sure." she stuttered.

"Jane." he said, calling my sister.

Jane got ready to use her gift when Irina spilled.

"She's changed. This child is bigger." 

"So your allegations were false." accused Caius.

"The Cullens are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake." she said.

Oh yes she will. She turned toward the Cullens with a sorrowful gaze.

"I'm sorry." she whispered.

Caius gave a signal and a few lower guards executed Irina, causing her sisters to charge forward. The Cullen side eventually got them under control before they got far. Edward managed to talk some reason into both of them and they gave up in grief for their lost sibling. Aro turned towards Jane in a signal. Edward immediately fell on the snow in pain....but stood up a few seconds later like nothing happened. My gaze shifted to Bella, who seemed to be concentrating on something. Oh no. My worst nightmare has come true. She can repel us.

Jane's POV

That little newborn! She ruined everything! EVERYTHING!!! A pair of footsteps appeared form the corner of the forest, and the little pixie came to view along with two other people I have never met. Grr. 

I Do....Forever....Again and Again (Sequel to 'Unbreakable Ties')   Alec Volturi Love StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora