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Jane got in her black velvet dress, curling her hair and putting on make up. Today was the big day. Today was the day of the coronation. The entire vampire would be there, or should be there. A knock on the door interrupted Jane's thoughts as she did one last final check in the mirror before placing her black gloves on her delicate hands.

"Come in." she whispered, knowing that the person on the other side could hear.

The door creaked open and the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the room. A pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist and Jane knew exactly who it was.

"Alec." she smiled, turning around and facing her love.

Alec was in his usual Volturi uniform, except his clothes were darker and his silver Volturi crest had been replaced with a gold one. His old dark grey cloak had been exchanged for a pure black one. Only the masters wore this type of clothing. Alec smiled down at his beautiful sister.

"You look amazing love." he whispered.

"Thank you dear. You look handsome as well." Jane smiled.

"Shall we?" asked Alec, extending an arm for her.

Jane smiled and nodded, taking his arm and walking down to the throne room. Two lower ranked guards bowed and opened the door for them, announcing their arrival. Everyone stood and bowed, rising to smile at their new prince and princess. Alec and Jane kept a cold and emotionless face the entire time, slowly walking down the aisle together, chin raised high. Aro looked at his children proudly and smiled as they both bowed in front of him. He had Demetri and Felix add two more thrones to the left and right side of him for the princess and prince.

"Welcome, my children." he smiled.

"Thank you father." they both said in unison.

Aro turned towards the crowd, who stared at him anxiously.

"We are here to crown the two new members of the royal family, my children, Jane and Alecxander Volturi! They will henceforth serve as the prince and princess of the Volturi and vampire world. Their word is worth just as much value as ours and both of them are to be treated with utmost respect. Any vampire that fails to do so will be punished accordingly." said Aro, sending a warning glare to the crowd.

Looking back at his children, Aro gestured to Marcus and Caius, who had a black tiara and crown in their hands.

"Alecxander Volturi, my son, do you promise to uphold justice and law, serving the Volturi your entire life, and through its tough times? Do you swear to uphold the Volturi name and serve as their prince?" asked Aro.

"Yes father." responded Alec.

"Then I award your two thousand years of faithful service with the title of Prince Alecxander Volturi!" 

Clapping erupted form the crowd until Aro signaled a stop. He turned towards Jane.

"Jane Volturi, my daughter, do you promise to uphold your position as princess and respect your husband through tough times, staying loyal to him and the Volturi throughout your entire existence?" asked Aro.

"Without a doubt." she whispered, gazing up at her love.

"Then I present to you, Princess Jane Volturi, fifth ruler of the Volturi!" exclaimed Aro.

Clapping once again erupted through the room as Marcus and Caius put the tiara and crown on Alec and Jane's head, smiling at them.

"Welcome to the royal family." they both whispered.

"Thank you." said the twins in unison.

I Do....Forever....Again and Again (Sequel to 'Unbreakable Ties')   Alec Volturi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now