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After the long day, Jane helped her wounded brother into their room, slowly taking him down the hallway, step by step. Carefully setting him down on the bed, Jane sat next to her brother and hoisted his legs up. She unbounded his old bandages that revealed his cracked skin. Replacing it with a sheet of venom coated bandages, Jane tried to ignore her twin's hisses of agony.

"There. All done. You'll be better soon." Jane said.

Alec panted and rested his leg on the bed, leaning towards a pillow. Jane leaned her head into her tinw's chest and gently stroked his cheek. Alec looked like he was about to cry from the amount of pain he was in.

"'s ok. It's ok. I'm right here for you." Jane soothed.

Alec's breathing was ragged but he managed a tiny smile.

"Thank you dear sister." he rasped.

"Of course. It was the least I could do for you after you save me from A-Aaron." Jane whimpered, crossing her legs tightly.

Alec rubbed her arms comfortingly.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. I should have been there to protect you." Alec said.

A knock on the door stopped the peaceful moment.

"Come in." Jane whispered, knowing the person could hear her.

Demetri came in with a weary look on his face.

"How's your leg, your highness?" he asked after bowing.

Alec sighed and closed his eyes.

"Don't call me that Demetri. Alec is fine. But thank you. My leg is getting better thanks to Jane." he sighed.

"How can we help you Demetri?" asked Jane.

"We found the other man that kidnapped you two. His name is Lance Conners." reported Demetri.

Jane squirmed, clearly uncomfortably in her seat.

"We are to bring him back to Volterra...alive...for a trial." said Demetri.

Jane and Alec nodded reluctantly.

"We will go after him in a week....when your leg has healed a little more." said Demetri, addressing Alec.

The twins nodded and excused him.

I Do....Forever....Again and Again (Sequel to 'Unbreakable Ties')   Alec Volturi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now