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Marcus's POV

I knew from the moment that I saw the hooded figure that it was Alec. Only Alec would show up and pull a trick like that. Plus, he was my guard for so long that I could easily recognize his scent anywhere. I'm still surprised that Jane didn't figure it out yet. I sighed and thought of Didyme. Their love was so much like ours. Absolutely heart warming, yet they are part of two different worlds, forbidding them to be together.

Jane's POV

I walked down to the garden in attempts to get my questions answered. By the time I reached down there, the stranger was back standing and looking over Volterra.

"You know, the point of a birthday party is to dance and have fun, not look over mere humans." I said, trying to start a conversation.

He sighed and lowered his head.

"You should be having fun Princess." he said in his accent.

"Say...I never got the chance to say thank you for saving my life. What is your name?" I asked, curious.

"Devon Hunter." he said.

"Well, thank you Devon." 

"It is my duty, Princess." 

He turned my way but kept his head down, taking his cloak and draping it over himself again, covering his face before making his way towards me.

"Show me your face. I want to see the true self of my savior." I ordered.

He shook his head and walked past me.

"Have a good evening Princess." he said.

Wait. Where was his accent?

"You're faking the accent aren't you?" I accused.

He immediately tensed and quickened his pace away from me.

"Hey Devon! Stop right there! Guards! Stop that man!" I screamed.

Felix and Demetri immediately had him in a headlock and kneeling in front of me. Surprisingly, he didn't move or struggle. I bent down and slowly raised his hood.

I Do....Forever....Again and Again (Sequel to 'Unbreakable Ties')   Alec Volturi Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang