when we got back to the castle, we said goodnight. Professor McGonagal had stayed very close to us on the walk back but walked Hermione and I back to out houses separately after. 

"if you go anywhere Hermione i will give you detention for the rest of the term!" she warns. we all knew that Hermione wouldn't do anything but i think this year she has let her good girl reputation fly out the window a little bit. 

"until the next time, we should have our test results by then!" i say as Professor walks off down the hall expecting me to follow. i run off after her, letting Hermione fade away out of sight. 

Ron P.O.V

my legs ache. i have been pacing and storming around too much lately. every time i thought about Hermione, i got mad. i don't know why, i just did. 

"Harry i need to talk to you."  say knocking on my own dormitory door. ever since Hermione's fall (which was weeks ago now) Harry hadn't spoken to me unless it was to do with work or telling me to shut up and stop following him. 

"I'm still not talking to you!" he says trying to slam the door in my face but i put my hand out and stop it before it closes. i walk into the room. it was a mess. the floor was barely visible and the none of the beds were made. 

"Why is it so gross in here?" i ask.

"i don't know. i woke up and half the mess was here," 

"and where did the other half come from." harry looks at me. i could read the signs of anger but also guilt. i looks around the room trying to spot anything out of the ordinary, well other then the clothes and rubbish everywhere. but with pure dumb luck i notice something. a box. a box that harry keeps under his bed. a box that has the most valuable item inside. a box that wasn't there anymore. 

"Wheres the invisibility cloke?" i say. harry looks at the ground and back at me. Oh my god. whats happened to it? i ask that very question but Harry couldn't reply. "did you lose it?"

"i don't just lose something that special Ron!" 

"Right. Sorry. Well then was it stolen?" he shakes his head.  But it wasn't an 'no it couldn't have been stolen' and more like a 'i don't know who would steal it!'. then a light bulb flickered in my head.

"You know who i recon stole it! Hermione!" i say.

"Come on Ron are you still on this? Your just mad and are trying to get her in trouble!" 

"No but seriously think about it. she has been staying up really late, waking up late to and falling asleep during breakfast. She's been sneaking out! no doubt to see that ugly rat Malfoy." i snicker. harry looks at me a gives me the same head shake. i wanted to get back on his good side. and this was the way to do it. in the pit of my stomach, i ached for saying this about Hermione but i have done worse to her in the past and she has done worse to me so who cares. 

"You know you can't really say that about Draco when your sleeping with Pansy!" Harry snaps. he says it in a cowardly voice as if afraid i would do something. 

"Yeah but Pansy isn't a death eater, and Pansy didn't try to kill us," 

"Yeah but remember last year when she told people to get me when Voldemort said to meet him in the woods?"

"But what would you do? You knew that the solution to all your problems lay in front of you and if you didn't grab him then everyone would die,"

"I wouldn't do it because I have a heart!" he says, more aggressive then before. "Fine. I'll look for the cloke with you but only because i want it back, not to get back at Hermione because your being petty." he says and walks out the room past me. "i doubt shes with him though. i don't think they really have anything. To be honest, i recon its all an act." 

Ginny's P.O.V

"Hermione!!! Hermione wake up! why you being so lazy recently?" 

"i don't know Ginny," Hermione mumbles half asleep, "You stay up all night, tutoring or talking in the for... and then you try to wake up at 6:00am!" she says. 

"HOLD ON. you were in the for..est! why would you do that! AGAIN!" i say. i whack her with a pillow that lay at the end of her bed. she zips up and her hair covers her tired face. 

"because you have never been to the part of forest i am talking about. its in a clearing, and has a large rock that we sit and talk on,"

"we as in..." 

"me and Draco..." 

"Draco and I!" i correct. i can see her eyes narrow through her thick bushy hair. she brushes it out of her face and gruffs. 

"So what happened and Draco and I went into the forest?" i ask. she pauses and slumps out of bed. staring at herself in the mirror, but eyeing me in the background at the same time. 


"us as in you and me or you and Draco?" 

"Draco and I." she says pulling her t shirt over her face, muffling her voice. 

"And what did you discuss? did you find out what you to are?" 

Hermione's P.O.V

i felt like Ginny was pounding me with questions when she finally asked the one i was dreading. 

"did you find out what you are?" she says. i was still looking in the mirror, now with a fresh t shirt on. her face was both excited and cutely curious. 

"yep." i can barely begin to speak before Ginny is bouncing on my back. 

"OMG OMG what did you decide?" she says. i didn't know how to respond. was it like a public thing. everyone knew Draco and I were a thing but being an official thing? i didn't know if it was ok to tell others. "are you ok? you haven't talked in like 2 minutes," she says. i just stayed there, still. 

"Umm... I'll need to come back to you on that one." i say and grab my shoes and leave. she trails behind me, asking me questions about what i means and what we were. i just trotted down the stairs, jumping about trying to  put my shoe on on the move. i was so looking forward to see Draco at breakfast. i wanted to talk to him so badly but our next private tutoring session was in around 4 days. could i wait till then? or would be just sneak out to the forest again. My place, Out place. the place i feel safe in the most dangerous of spots. its myself (and most of the time Draco) with my thoughts and no one was there to judge them. 


The next 4 days were weird. Harry and Ron would slump behind Ginny and I. they would whisper to each other secretively and we would find them trying to open out dorm door a few times. 

"What do you think they are up to?" Ginny asks as we look out the open window. it was Halloween tomorrow and the air smelt like damp leaves a pumpkins. i still had only seen Hagrid once all year and that was the few nights ago with Draco.  

"who knows. but its so weird. they have been following me around, basically humping my leg obviously trying to figure something out." 

"i didn't even know they were on speaking terms!" she says. i was trying not to worry about them. because the night i had been pumped for all wee had come. in a couple hours, i would be in his bedroom, either doing more studies or celebrating his achievements on the test. i just had to survive dinner. 

thx for reading. i had a feeling it was alot this chapter and i hope it all made sense. this is one of my longest chapters and i feel like i am just avoiding what is going to happen next chapter so get ready for some juicey tea to be spilt within the next 2 chpateers. sorry for my lack of spelling skills whe doing this section of the chpater, or any poart of the chapters really i am a horrible speller and  clutz and also hate auto correct. Dramo stuff comiung very very VERY SOON. hope you enjoyed. and we have over 1,400 views!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy 💖

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