7. Heart as cold as ice...

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They say I have no heart... that if I do have one, it is cold as ice, and hard as a rock.

What they do not understand, is that I am not permitted to have one...

A squad captain whose sister is a convicted criminal can have no feelings of sympathy towards said criminal. The head of Kuchiki clan cannot condone the actions of one who has committed such an act as has been condemned by Central 46.

I went to deliver her sentence today, Hisana. She stood there, uttering not one word as I read out the declaration from Central 46. Execution by Sokyoku in 30 days. My lieutenant had more to say and express than Rukia ever had. She met my eyes, and that was the extent of all contact we had. The last time I would see her before the execution. Pale and thin and barely alive, she had the appearance of a specter. And the hollowed out eyes of one. The guards had reported that the prisoner refused food and water since the day she was brought in. But those reports should not affect me. I who have no emotions or sentiments can have no concern for the prisoner who decided to punish herself for all her crimes, the ones she perceived she committed and the ones she has been convicted of.

Everyone has an opinion on how I should handle my sister's... situation, for lack of a better word. From Squad 3 captain Ichimaru and Squad 11 captain Kenpachi to Rukia's captain Ukitake. What do they know? Why would they care? It is no affair of theirs. My family is my business, and mine alone. How I face my failures and disappointments should be no concern of theirs.

For I have failed. I have failed you... and I have failed her. Hisana, my love... forgive me... For I have truly lost her now, the girl you spent your entire life seeking, wanting to protect her and nothing else...When I found her I vowed to protect her with everything I had, and in so doing keep my promise to you. Yet here I am, watching helplessly as dawn rises on my losses again. I see it, Hisana. The beginning of the end.

Byakuya's diary: notes to HisanaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang