2. Another flower blooms...Let me tell you about her...

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My dearest,

Seasons pass by in the blink of an eye… flowers bloom in our garden, the petals fall and are carried gently to the ground by the breeze, soft carpets on the dewy grass that you once walked upon. Seasons pass by. And yet I am here, and you are not…

I wish I could tell you in person, wish I could see your smile when I tell you about her. Rukia.

Today was Rukia’s first day as part of the 13 court guards. She reported in this evening, a little while ago.  An uneventful day, she said. She is an ordinary court guard, not a seated officer, which I think disturbs her to some degree for fear she has let me down.

She has not, but she worries too much. She is obedient, respectful, and holds me in such high regard. I do not want her to doubt herself though. She does not know, but it is for her own good. A seated officer would be given missions, dangerous ones. How can I protect her when I cannot be sure of the situations and environments they might put her in? The 13th squad is the best place for her right now. I admit that I do not understand Ukitake sometimes, but I have known him for so long I am sure he is the best Captain she could serve under. He will watch out for her and keep her safe when I am not around. He trusts Kaien Shiba, his lieutenant, to do the same. He has given me his word.

Personally I would prefer she was not around any sort of danger. But she wished to be a Shinigami and worked so hard for it that I can not take it away from her. And it might be a little self serving of me, but this way I can be around should she ever need my help, as I have my work and responsibilities. I would worry less if she is within my sights, even if it is as one of the court guards.

She likes rabbits, for some reason. She has etched one on her desk, which should have irritated me. A desk is meant for paperwork and studies, is it not. One should not mar the perfectly smooth finish of the wood and disrespect the object. But I found it oddly endearing. And she admires the Wakame Ambassador. As well she should, he is magnificent; but it is a pleasant thought that she does.

She reminds me of you, so much, that it hurts sometimes. I miss you so much more in those instances, that I almost resent fate for robbing me of you, and robbing you of the pleasure of watching her, and knowing she is safe and cared for. There is a childlike innocence in her, and even though I believe I have seen some hint of sass at times in her eyes, she is deeply respectful and mindful of propriety and rank in every aspect of her life. She works hard, trains hard. I am proud of her, seated officer or not. I am so proud of the young woman that she is, brave and strong, even though I had no part in her upbringing. I wish I had. She seems to have done fine by herself, but if we had her when you were here with me, we could watch her grow up together, could we not…

I am glad I found her. I shall keep my promise to you, keep her safe. I shall cherish her, for she is the last living link I have to you, my beloved.

Until the next flower blooms…


Byakuya's diary: notes to HisanaWhere stories live. Discover now