17 | Jealous

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Again, looking them just few inches away from me stabs me directly.

They're hands are intertwined as she speaks to me.

And I cannot even understand a single word just because of their hands.

Her hand that I wished to be mine.

"Y/N? Are you listening?" she pouted.

"What did you say again?"

She stomped her feet like a child and rant but I didn't care.

Seeing him smile at her as he watches her, stings.

Few moments later, Jimin came in with a wine glass on his hand.

He held my waist as he gave me a cheek-to-cheek kiss.

His eye smiles as he tells a story

But somehow from a far, it feels like someone is staring.

When I roamed my eyes around,

I wasn't wrong.

Because over the couch is Namjoon, whose staring directly on Jimin's hand on my waist.

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