Chapter 30

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Happy Easter! Enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to comment!

It wasn't until we were within touching distance of Dominic's room that I began to question my decision of coming here. Noah's hand in mine as we walked reminded me of the life ahead of us, it reminded me that I should only look forward not back. But then why was it so important for me to get these answers? We'd bribed the reception staff to let us in so there's no turning back now. Tapping lightly on the door Noah entered first as if to check there was only one person in the room. Satisfied with our safety Noah allowed me entrance.

"Sophia...I didn't know you'd be bringing Noah," Dominic was sat up in the hospital bed with a foldable table across his lap with breakfast on.

"Did we catch you at a bad time?" I asked.

"No it's fine. Please sit down." I sat in the only available chair, the rest had clothes thrown over them. Noah stood to my side.

"Shall we get this over with then?" He dabbed his mouth with a napkin and then placed it by the side of the plate. I nodded. "Where do you want me to start?"

"Well what are you doing here? You tried to kill yourself," I said feeling a little awkward with the words coming from my mouth. Suicide definitely isn't an easy topic to talk about.

Dominic shook his head, "I didn't."


"I didn't try to kill myself. I'm going through a lot, yeah but I would never end things. It was a warning."

"A warning?" Noah said.

"From my father," Dominic glanced to my husband and then back to me.

"He tried to kill you?" I questioned.

Dom shook his head, "I wouldn't say that he tried to kill me. He tried to knock some sense into me. I didn't agree with what he was doing and because of that he threatened to take away my whole career so to deal with everything I started to drink so that I could get it done. There are things he made me do that if anyone found out about I'd go straight to prison. I'd gone to rehab..." he continued. "Straightened myself out but my father still expected the same things from me that I'd done before. I wasn't supposed to be at your house yesterday," he turned to Noah. "But they brought me along to show me that I was better off on their side."

"You can't seriously be saying that your a victim here," Noah shook his head in disbelief.

"That's not what I'm saying. I just wanna make things right. As soon as I'm fit enough I'm headed straight to prison. What would I gain from playing the victim? They knew I was at your family's house. Anyway, we managed to escape from the police for a while but they found us at our safe house. I was hanging from the ceiling. To be honest I don't know whether my father was trying to kill me or not because after all, it was me who called the police."

I was taken back. Wasn't it Lia who contacted the police? "Care to explain?" Noah walked a little closer to the bed, not in a threatening manner more of a curious one. Was he starting to see Dominic as an ally rather than an enemy?

"I'm a bad guy contrary to what you both think," he gave a soft smile. "I tried to stop my father from doing the things he did. He was the one who drove your Dad into debt." Dominic confessed.

"That doesn't make any sense. My Dad was depressed, he just looked for an escape."

"What casinos did he go to?" Dom shrugged. It can't be. My Dad went to Quinn's Casino, the largest and most successful in the state of New York. We talked for a while longer with Dominic explaining about his father telling him stories as a child of his grandmother giving everything she had to her firstborn daughter. Apparently, it became a bedtime story, a dinner time story and even a 'back when I was young' story. It seemed that Patrick Quinn became obsessed with the idea of power and money. According to Dominic, that's his father's fatal flaw, he was so consumed by being better than others he did anything it took to get to the top.

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