When he confesses

Start from the beginning


"Masky! Stop! Please!" You yelled. Masky was now tickling you after you stole a bite of cheesecake from him. "No! You deserve this punishment for eating MY cheesecake!" He says playfully. "I-It was only o-one bite th-though!" You say while laughing. "I don't care! That was one bite less for me!" He says. "But Masky! You take bites of my cheesecake all the time!" You say. He stopped tickling you and gets off of you, letting you breath again. You stood up and gripped your skinny stomach. "Ugh, Masky! I can't breath now!" You say. You start to walk to your room and take off your hoodie, exposing your torso in a tight shirt that showed your ribs. Masky was watching you and when you turned around and showed him your front, he clenched his hands into fists.

(Masky's Pov)

(Y/N) got up and started walking to her room and took off her hoodie. She turned to face me, letting me see her front. I saw her ribs and clenched my fists in fury. 'How could parents do this to an amazing, beautiful, perfect, daughter?' I thought to myself. I watched as she went to her room and came back out later, with blood on her arm. "(Y/N)! What happened! D-Did you do this?" I asked her. She shook her head and went to the bathroom and started cleaning the cut. "(Y/N), what did you do?" I asked concerned. She sighed and put a bandage on the cut. She walked back into her room with me following, and pointed to the corner of her dresser. I looked at it and noticed that it had some blood on it. "While I was walking by it, I tripped and cut myself on the corner." She said annoyed. 'What's wrong with her? She's usually kind and sweet, not bitter like this!' "(Y/N), what's wrong.?" I asked her concerned. She looked at me and then turned away. "I saw the way you looked at me earlier. It's- I-" She stopped. I went behind her and pulled her closer to me, breathing in the smell of her hair. "(Y/N) I'm sorry, it's just, I saw and I hate them. I hate them so much for treating you like this! No one should treat someone as amazing, beautiful, and perfect as you. You shouldn't have to live like this." I said sadly. I felt her start to shake and then I felt something wet on my hand. "M-Masky, what are you trying to say?" She asked me. It was on my tongue, it was on my mind all the time, I felt my face grow red. I turned her around so she was facing me. I decided to tell her this with no secrets. I took off my mask and set it on the dresser next to us. She gasped and looked at my face in awe. She gently took her hand and placed in softly on my cheek. I leaned into it and placed my hand on hers. She started to pull it away but I kept it there. "(Y/N). What I'm trying to say is that I love you."


The days after your water incident, you kept trying to give Hoodie his hoodie back, but he refused to take it. "(Y-Y/N) I s-said you c-could-d keep it-t." He would say. Finally one day you were looking at the water again, with Hoodie's hoodie on. He came up and grabbed you from behind and picked you up. You started to scream, but he placed his hand over your mouth. After moving you from the edge, he pinned you back down on your back with your arms above you and his legs pinning your legs down. "Y-You know, (Y-Y/N), I r-really had hoped-d that y-you had l-learned-d your les-son ab-bout the edge of th-that riv-ver." Your face was bright red as you came to terms that Hoodie was pinning you down in a... Sexual way it seemed. At that thought your face became more red and your eyes started watering. (A/N ~ When I'm really embarrassed my eyes water) "H-Hood-die... C-Could you get o-off of me?" You stuttered out. "But (Y/N), this is the perfect time to tell you something important." He said seductively without stuttering. You gulped and you started trembling. "A-And what would th-that b-be H-Hoodie?" You asked. He reached up and grabbed his mask and hood and put them off, revealing shaggy dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a soft pair of lips put into a smirk. You gasp in surprise and he leans towards your ear and whispers quietly "I-I love y-you (Y/N)." You stop trembling, stop thinking, stop breathing. All you can do is lay there, with hoodie laying over you. "Hoodie, is this some kind of sick joke?" You ask him. You had never experienced this behavior from Hoodie before. Hoodie pulls away from you and looks at you with a sad face. "W-What No! I r-really do love y-you (Y/N)! I-I just thought-t th-that if I ch-changed it-t up a b-bit, y-you would-d l-love me b-back." He explained. He gets off of you and starts walking away. You scramble up and run up behind him. He already has his mask and hood back up, but you didn't care. You hugged him and he stops walking. "Hoodie you idiot. You didn't have to do that to make me love you! I-I-" Hoodie turns around and faces you. "Y-You what?" You gulp and take a deep breath. "I already love you, and I don't want you to think that you have to change for me to love you." You say. He hugs you and whispers in your ear "(Y/N) I love you."

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