I lift myself from the floor looking up at the person, a fine specimen, well from the eyes. The man's face was covered with a plain black mask that covered his face identity. His clear, glowing skin was pale but lightly tanned with jet black hair that fell from it's pomade state. He was asian, Japanese or Japanese descent to be exact. "I'm s-sorry about that sir, I was just in a rush." I stumble on my words.

I couldn't find myself to look away. Something inside of me was pinging. His brow expression is so distinct, but I can't figure out why.

"No need to be sorry about anything. You must be the one of the new neighbors here, are you?" He dust himself off speaking to me with a deep slick voice of a hint of Japanese accent but heavy English fluency. He took off his mask revealing his full identity.

My heart races at a thought with no words. Maybe it's just my anxiety or something.

Fucking answer!

"Yes I'm one of the new neighbors, I just moved in a couple of days ago. Which hall you live on?" I tilt my head curiously.

"I live on this hall. I just moved back from home today." His smile captured my eyes, paying attention to his, manly yet soft beautiful features.

"Oh cool we're hall mates! Where are you from?" I bit my smile at the information and of course, his attractiveness.

"Japan..." He chuckles a bit.

Hit the nail on the head! I knew someone one from Japan, I think he was from Japan from what he told me.

"What about you, where are you from?" He rerouted the question. "I'm from Texas." I gave a wider smile looking at him through my eye lashes.

"Well it was nice meeting you..." I realized I didn't catch his name.

"Yuko," he returns the smile licking his dry dark plumped lips.

"It fits well with you persona Yuko. I'm Aya." I smile biting my lip out of habit.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I don't want to hold you long since you have to go. We should hangout sometime soon. Can I have your number?" He pats his pocket for his phone letting his sly smile resonate with his very corny energy.

"Funny you'd say that because my name actually means "beautiful woman" but thank you. And sure..." I cracked a smile placing my number in his Vivo r9.

I couldn't stop biting back my smile reveal my dimpled happiness handing his phone back to him.

He bit his lip back at me out of mockery before lightly grabbing my chin lifting my head a bit. "You should stop biting your lip, it's bleeding."

My eyes widen at his comfortability and his pout. I back way, sucking in my lip before looking up at him. "I try not to, it's a habit."

"I can help you break that habit..." He spew before sighing closing his eyes. I chuckled nodding my head.

"Not in that way-" he tries to justify himself.

"No it's okay... I'll catch you later, Yuko." I wink flirtatious turning on my heel moving to the elevator. He waved at me with an ever resting smile as the elevator door closes. Mentally I gush, physically blushing through my golden brown complexion, fanning myself pressing the first floor.


"You have applied for a the apartment that is applicable for a roommate. Sorry for the misunderstanding. We can see if there are any solo apartments in the building if you are not okay with the current situation." The receptionist states as she typed on the keyboard.

Silence filled the office allowing me to think cautious about everything that's going on.

Hell, I'm jobless, never made friends except for one, a scared for nothing yet aggressive little bitch. It wouldn't hurt to not be stingy for the first time in my life.

"Okay, when will they move in?" I gulp down my pride and introversion, allowing change, just this once.

"Today actually they have lived in that apartment before." The lady analyse the information on the laptop's bright screen.

As you can tell by now I'm a very forgetful person, in other words, I forgot her name.

"Is it a girl?" I bit sore salty lip wincing at the pain. "Is it a guy?" She looks at me with a mocking twinkle in her eye.

"Ms. Wilson as stupid as this sounds, it's policy that I'm not allowed to give info about a potential persons that were screened, so it's best to just wait. Plus they didn't really disclose a lot in their account to begin with." She huffs grabbing the check book from the drawer built in her desk.

"If I get decapitated, I'll haunt everyone in this apartment!" My jaw grinds when I take the check heading my way out the entrance. Now I got $2,890 back so now I have to cash it out at the bank and buy me a mattress set and some groceries.


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