Smash with JJ

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Waning: bad smash bro's jokes!

Anti's pov.
I feel a hand grab my wrist. Shocked, i turn around. "Oh hey there Jamesy!" I say generally happy that it was him and not Jackie or something. "You okay Anti? You seem down today." He signs to me, being mute and all. "Yeah I'm fine. Wanna go smash in my room? ;)"
"Sure :)"

~Time Skip~

Jamesy and I played smash bro's for a few hours until there was a knock on the door. I paused our game and told them to come into the bedroom. The door creeks open to revel Chase on the other side, he steps in and scans the room. JJ and I were sitting on the edge of my black quilted bed with the TV on a shelf in front of us, my large wardrobe in the corner on the right side of the door. A small window beside me looking down onto the street outside. Chase tells Jamesy that it's time for them to make dinner so the leave with JJ giving me a big smile and wave and Chase giving me a glare before shutting the door. Once again I was left alone so I decided to open my
e p i c laptop and replay sister location for the 5th time this month (cuz why not amirite?)

Schneep's pov.
After lunch I helped to pack up then headed back to my room to continue my novel when Marvin asks if I wanted to watch a movie with him and Jackie, which I declined saying that I would another time. I turn and walk up the stairs and through the hall that has all our bedrooms placed on each side. My room was set at the end of the hall across from the Glitch Bitch and next to Jameson's, thats across from Marvin. Then closest to the stairs we have Jackie on the left and Chase on the right.Speaking of the Glitch Bitch, I see him entering his room, him holding the door open for Jameson. He looks up and we make eye contact. Shit a staring contest! We hold each others stare for about 3 seconds when Jameson pulls Anti into his room and shuts the door. I can't help but wonder what they're doing as I cautiously walk into my own room.I walk towards by large bed and get into a comfortable position grabbing and opening my book to the last page I was reading.

'She layed on the hard concrete floor and began to weep. "I hate it here! I want to see my mother!" She screamed at her captors' My book was about a girl who is constantly running away form these bad people because they are trying to experiment with her DNA to turn her into a blood thirsty cannibal. It's actually a really good psychological horror! I feel like Anti would like it but I doubt that he likes to read... I read for a few minutes until I finish the book, a satisfied smirk plastered onto my face. I get up and gently slide the book into place on the shelf, this book is actually one of my favourites next to The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which I used to read to my beautiful daughter before she went to sleep. I sigh as I remembered her sleepy blue eyes watching me as I read her favourite story. I shook my head to snap my self out of my short trance and went back to my bed and turned on my TV to watch some doctor shows until dinner.

Jameson's pov.
I really enjoy spending time with Anti, one reason is because I feel like I get to see a whole new side of him when it just us two, that I like to call 'soft anti'. And two is because I feel really bad for him. I hate how all the others (except Jack) treat him! Every time they are mean to him and I try to stop them they always say the same thing "But his the bad guy! He tried to kill us remember?" Sure he has done bad stuff in the past... but I think that he has changed and so does Jack! It's just not fair! Anyway, we play smash brothers on his Nintendo Switch until there is a knock on the door. I check the time and sigh as Chase walks in and says it's time to prepare for dinner. It hasn't even felt that long but I guess that's what happens when you have fun!

I give Anti a big smile and wave as I exit his room and wait just out the room for Chase. "You okay bro? He didn't do anything to you did he?" He asked rapidly, his tone laced heavily with worry. I sigh and decided to mess with him a bit and signed "No, no! We just smashed a bit that's all." And turned around to see his reaction, glad to have gotten EXACTLY what I wanted. He stood in the middle of the hallway with the most mortified expression on his face and his jaw hitting the floor. "Im just joking! We played on his Switch. Gosh, you're so dirty minded!" I humour him. He gives a nervous laugh and continues to follow me to the kitchen to plan dinner. We pass Marvin and Jackie watching some type of movie, Marvin being asleep and his head rested on Jackie's shoulder leaving Jackie as a blushing mess next to him. I silently giggle to myself and sit on a chair while Chase jumps on the counter.

A/N: Sorry for the slow update!! I was busy in Melbourne and didn't take my little writing book with me. 😓😁

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