Chapter 26: Wrath

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He created a stone in his hand and squeezed until it was nothing but dust.

"I'll kill'em." He grunted under his breath.

During that night, the nightmares were back again, haunting the children's mind, but the wonderful dreams they so wished to come back, came and destroyed the nightmares, except for Nicholas.

Peter, for once, landed on his feet with a smile on his face. He had the most wonderful dream he'd ever had. He finally saw his mother. She was there, laughing. And such beautiful smile she had. He was flying with her in Tempien Valius. He was right, his mother really was an angel. It hadn't felt like a dream, it was like he was actually there with her.

Peter looked around the room and noticed that Nicholas wasn't in his hammock. He must have been in the dining room eating, thought Peter. Judy and Monica were still sleeping, each with a smile. Seemed they were having a wonderful dream too. Peter went to the kitchen. Alexandra, Ama, and Sirus were still asleep.

"Good morning, Nicholas." Said Peter cheerfully with a yawn, stretching his arms up.

But the moment he saw Nicholas, he lost his smile.

Nicholas didn't answer him. He was just sitting there with a plate full of bacons. His head was laying on his hand while the other hand was playing with the eggs. His damp hair was hiding half of his gaunt face. The last time Peter saw that face was back at the workhouse after he had killed a boy who mentioned his parents. Peter knew that something or someone did that to him, and it would be better... best... if he didn't ask him any questions or talk to him about anything... until he found his normal frowning face.

Peter grabbed a silver plate and sat across Nicholas. He had to finish fast and get to the girls to warn them before they come down. Once he set the plate away, he made his way to the stairs, but the girls were already climbing down.

"Good morning Peter, good morning Nicholas." Said Judy with a cheery tone.

"Good morning Peter, good morning Nicholas." Said Monica, stretching her arms up.

"Good morning Judy, Monica." Said Peter keeping his tone normal.

Nicholas didn't say anything to either one of them. He continued playing with his bacons. Monica and Judy didn't notice his silence and lifeless stare. It wasn't the first time he seemed this way. But they just let it go.

"You two must have slept well." Said Peter, sitting next to Monica.

"You have no idea." Said Judy with a grin. "I had the most amazing dream ever. But it felt so real." She turned her plate and asked for some bacons.

"What was is about?" Said Peter, and then realized it was the biggest mistake he made.

"My mom and sisters." Replied Judy lively. "I felt alive again. It's like... everything... I don't know how to say it... but... everything I wished for just happened."

"Me too. I saw my mother and father again." Said Monica, taking a sip of water.

"Are they your real parents?" Said Judy.

Monica nodded while chewing and swallowed. "I never thought one day I'd see them here."

"Could you all just SHUT UP?" Nicholas roared like a wild beast and thumb the fork against the table. He pushed his chair away and strode up the stairs, his footsteps thumping loudly like a giant it shook the floor.

Monica and Judy turned to each other with their lips pierced together jus realizing how Nicholas was so affected by seeing him parents again. The same people who rejected him and abandoned him and gave him to hell.

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