Everyone then looked at me,in surprise."Do not hurt my friend" I said jumping in front of Kiba and Naruto."Oh~,so the girl wants to fight huh?!" one of them said "I have had it with losers today,let's finish them boys and leave this place!" he ordered.

Then the four boys came in our direction,with me at the front.One of the boys launched a fist to my face which I evaded and punched him in the stomach hard and after that he fell to the ground gripping his stomach in pain.

Another boy did a low kick to my legs,with another one doing a high kick to my head I jumped up and did a spinning kick then landed while they fell to the ground groaning in pain.

The last one then looked at them all and then at me. Taking out a kunai in the process.He ran towards me and aimed the kunai for my stomach area over and over. Only for me to evade all his blows and grab his hand that was holding the kunai and tighten my grip on it resulting in him releasing the kunai to the ground.

I let his hand go and he dropped to the ground holding his hand in pain."Just who?...._Who the heck are you?!" he yelled."I am a waitress" I said bowing to him with a smile."Guys let's go!" said the boy i punched earlier in the stomach.Then two of them carried the unconscious boy and then all scurried away.'weaklings' I thought as I saw them retreat.

I then turned around to face Kiba and Naruto and saw them staring at me.Then Naruto smiled and said "wow (y/n)!,I never knew you were that strong!, who taught you taijutsu like that huh?!" cheered Naruto impressed.'how to answer' I thought. "Um...well....when I was younger I learned some moves from a dojo where I came from....hahaha.."I said smiling wryly.

"That was amazing" said Kiba standing up and Akamaru barking heading in Kiba's direction and jumping onto his shoulder."It was just a fluke though,I got the desire to save you guys before you got too injured and my adrenaline  kicked in...ha..ha" I said scratching the back of my head. "Well whatever it was it was amazing,(y/n)!" yelled Naruto.

"Oh and my name is Kiba and this little guy is Akamaru!" introduced Kiba."Well my name is (y/n),a pleasure to meet you Kiba and Aka-chan" i said petting Akamaru on his head only for him to lean into my hand."Hey I think he like you,right boy?" *bark* said Kiba and confirmed Akamaru with a bark.

"Hey Kiba,thanks for the help!" said Naruto."Like i said i wanted some quiet time and those guys were being loud,don't get the wrong idea Naruto" he retorted."Kiba!" yelled a woman.We looked at the direction the voice was coming from and saw a woman with the same red fang markings on her cheeks."oh,that's my mother,see ya guys!"said Kiba waving and already running off.

'Must be nice huh?....wish I had my parents too,but I guess i am lucky to atleast have a brother and someone to call family' i thought turning from Kiba's exchange with his mother to Naruto, looking at him in the corner of my eye only to see him deep in thought."Hey Naruto,why don't we play some more?!" i said a bit loudly to snap him out of his thoughts."huh?....oh...y-yeah....okay!".

We played for a while together. But then my brother came to fetch me and yelled my name."(Y/N)!!,time to go home!" he yelled."Oh...that's my brother!, you want to go home with us Naruto?". "Huh?....no...i mean...i don'twant to intrude so..." he said trailing off.

"Idiot!" I yelled making Naruto stare at me."We live next door to each other,so come on lets go already!" i said grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the direction of my brother."Hey big brother,this is Naruto, can he walk home with us,he's our neighbour?" i asked smiling."um..h-hi,s-sir" said Naruto looking at the ground.

My brother then put his hand on Naruto's head and softly ruffled his hair resulting in Naruto looking up at him with curious eyes."Pleasure to meet you Naruto.I am Kioku Sukiyaki,(y/n)'s brother." said big brother.Naruto then smiled before he frowned in thought.

"Hm?,what's wrong?" asked my brother tilting his head in confusion."I just thought if your name is Kioku which means memory and your family name is Sukiyaki which is beef hot pot,then doesn't that mean Kioku Sukiyaki could mean memory of beef hot pot or if it's Sukiyaki Kioku then that would mean.....uh..oh!,beef hot pot memory!" said Naruto .

"Hey now that I think about it,doesn't that mean,you are sort of like some one who knows the history of beef hot pot and all types of hot pot recipes"i said looking at my brother."yeah," said Naruto looking at me .Then we both looked at big brother and he looked at us and said "we should go home now,it's getting late,and you two need to eat" he said pushing us from behind and then grabbed both our hands as we walked home.

Me,my brother and Naruto talked and laughed while we walked home and when we reached the apartment complex we had to say goodbye to Naruto.And as Naruto went to his door while saying goodbye to us he looked sad.

"Hey Naruto, would you like to join us for dinner?" asked my brother with a smile, "huh?....really?.." said Naruto a little surprised. "Yes,of course,I cooked too much food anyway, so come on!" my brother said and I beamed with joy and smiled.

"Okay!,I would love to!" said Naruto coming to our direction and we all got into our apartment and had dinner.We talked through the night and Naruto eventually dozed off along the way. My brother prepared a fūton for him in a spare room. And tucked him in after changing his clothes,he took off his clothes and dressed him in his old pajamas from when he was young,while I was getting ready for bed in my room.

My brother then came into my room and tucked me in. Singing me the lalabye and after that went to his respective room to sleep for the night.

To be continued

2640 words

Dear reader-chans' hope you all enjoyed this chapter,bye now until next time *wink*

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