Chapter 4: Pain

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BumbleBee transformed into his vehicle mode and opened his back doors. Miko slid in first, helping Arcee slide Jack in with surprising carefulness. She positioned her friend with his head in her lap. Once he was situated Raf climbed in the back with them and looked out at the rest of the Autobots. The Ground Bridge would have been faster, but it was too dangerous with the storm brewing.

Crouched beside the scout, Arcee took one more look at Jack and found two pairs of fear-filled eyes staring back at her. She swallowed her own worries and smiled at the kids. "I'll be riding right beside you. Everything will be okay once we get to June, don't worry."

"Contact me as soon as you've arrived at the hospital." Ratchet instructed while Arcee transformed into her sleek altmode.

BumbleBee chirped a confirmation and the two bots sped from the base and into the mouth of the storm.

Any earth car would have struggled through the mud and sand being blown across the long stretch of road ahead of them, it's driver unable to see through the gray curtain of rain. The Cybertronians, however, barreled through it effortlessly.

In the scout's interior the kids were silent aside from Raf's occasionally sniffling. Miko absentmindedly twirled her fingers through Jack's dark hair.

The Autobots turned hard to the left as the highway changed into Jasper's main road. Raf and Miko clung tight to Jack as they slid across the back seat with a panicked squeal. BumbleBee beeped a shy apology as they righted themselves again.

"We're fine, Bee," Raf assured him, fixing his crooked glasses. Miko only nodded, staring out the window at the whirlwind.

As they entered town Arcee activated her Sadie hologram, though no one was around to see it. The streets were deserted, garbage blowing around unobstructed. The lights were dark in each building they passed, making it feel like a ghost town. The kids cried out again as BumbleBee slammed on the breaks. Tensing, they struggled not to be thrown forward.

"What gives?" Miko yelled but grew quiet seeing the downed tree across the road in front of them.

"Follow me." Arcee's voice came through the comm system as she took a hard right down a side road. BumbleBee's tires spit up water and leaves as he raced after her.

As they tore down the roads their path became less clear. The Autobots were forced to weave between debris scattered around. Finally, the hospital came into view, its lights glowing with warm light. As they approached they could make out the form of June Darby just outside the front doors. Her hair was whipping around her, pulled loose from her ponytail. Even though she stood under the concrete overhang her clothes were damp with rain. As the bots skid to a stop in front of her, she motioned for her colleagues waiting just inside. Two men in matching green scrubs rushed out with a stretcher and followed her to the car.

BumbleBee popped the doors before June could reach for the handle. Miko carefully laid Jack's head on the seat as June helped her out. She stood to the side, being assaulted by the wind as she watched the medics carefully pull Jack from the back. Rafael climbed out the other door before struggling over to her. As soon as he was within reach Miko locked her arms around him, afraid of losing the small boy to the storm.

June whispered a thank you as she turned to follow the other men inside with Jack, but she knew the Autobots heard her. As she passed the other kids she pulled them to her and hurried them inside.

Half an hour later, Miko and Raf were drying off in a small, empty waiting room. Chairs lined the walls, occasionally broken up by an end table with tissues and magazines. A muted TV hung overhead in either corner, displaying news coverage of the storm. There was a water fountain near the door and the pale green walls were covered with posters of health tips and bad puns. Two more lines of chairs stood back to back in the center of the room, making the tiny space feel cramped. Heaters hummed underneath the two windows, their plastic blinds were closed.

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