Chapter 3: Insomnia

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I don't own Transformers or the characters.

Bolded words are said via Cybertronian internal comlink system.


Miko looked away from her video game as Rafael jumped for what felt like the thousandth time.

"Raf.. you aren't afraid of thunder are you?"

"What? No! That'd be silly." His body betrayed him as another muffled clap of thunder echoed through the room.

Miko snorted. "Yeah sure, how can I not see how totally chill you are right now? My bad."

The younger boy ignored her sarcasm, "It must be getting rough out there if we can hear it in here." He turned back to his laptop and began surfing local weather sites.

"I know, think they'll close the school? Or maybe it'll flood and wash the whole building away! Or the whole town!" She laughed maniacally.

They had both changed into their pajamas, more because they could then because they were tired. Miko was wearing an oversized metal band T-shirt as a nightgown and mismatched fuzzy socks. Raf had on simple gray sweatpants and a sweater, but he was barefoot.

"Hey Raf?" Miko purred.

"Mm?" He didn't look up from his research.

"I just came to an awesome decision. Wanna know what?"



He peeled his eyes from the screen only to be met with Miko's tongue uncomfortably close to his face. He stumbled back, his laptop clattering to the ground. "Eww! Miko!"

She leaned back on her palms and grinned. "I'm gonna get a tongue piercing! Won't that be cool? Think I can get one shaped like brass knuckles?"

BumbleBee drew the kids attention with a wave of his arms and a series of beeps.

"He says we should keep quieter so Arcee doesn't come out to yell at us" Raf translated.

Bulkhead shuttered, "He's got a point. She can be scary."

"Like Jack's mom," Miko snickered.

"I don't know," Raf murmured, "I think Ms. Darby can be scarier."

"Yeah but June doesn't have swords and cannons." Miko spun around and mimicked shooting a cannon from her arm at Bulkhead.

"Aghh!" He cried, clutching at his massive metal chest, "You got me! Spark.. fading..." He collapsed with a dramatic flourish and an echoing bang.

"Well now you've done it," Ratchet sighed, deliberately ignoring the other mechs as Arcee appeared in the doorway. BumbleBee jumped back behind Bulkhead, who was just sitting up.

Arcee stood calmly, eyeing them with narrowed optics. "Are you insane?" They could tell this wasn't a question.

Bulkhead rubbed his helm awkwardly. " bad?"

"It's not a big deal, Bulk and I just got carried away," Miko shrugged, "Besides, Jack probably won't stay asleep anyway."

Arcee put her hands on her hips, "And what makes you think that?"

It was Raf who answered. "He has insomnia, he told us so himself."

"Is that another illness?" Bulkhead asked, nervously keeping back from Arcee as he got to his feet.

"Yes and no, it's not like a cold or the flu or anything. It's just something some people have and deal with. It means you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep. Some people even have to take medication so they can sleep. Jack's isn't that bad, though. He just wakes up a lot." Raf shrugged.

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