Chapter 6-Moment

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Hey everybody, this chapter is pretty short in comparison to others I've written, but I do have the next part of this story plotted out so it's just a matter of finding time to write it! I also am gunna update "His Fear" as soon as I can get a chapter written, but don't worry, it's in the works! Anyways, hope you enjoy!-A.B.

Mal's POV

After a stern conversation with the IRO, the did finally relinquish the control of the Terran to myself and my brothers. They were very reluctant, but with the knowledge that he was our mate and he wouldn't be well taken care of, and that the IRO would be substantially less effective without the help of Castilla, and that they wouldn't want to lose their connection with us.

It was dirty in terms of politics, threatening pulling out of a treaty when it seemed I wouldn't get my way, but I could honestly care less. I had my mate, and he could very well be sick or poisoned or even dying right now. The IRO could kiss my ass for all I care, because my mate was a hell of a lot more important than the damn universe to me.

Arriving home to Castilla, I landed my vessel at in a loading bay just inside the castle. I unbuckle my mate, and gather him into my arms, enjoying the way he curls into me slightly. It was probable just him subconsciously being attracted to my body heat-Castillians did tend to run warmer than most races- but damn if I didn't enjoy it.

Several long hallways and an elevator ride later, I was approaching my bedroom door. Opening the door, I was met with my three brothers and a physician from the castle. All of them paused whatever they were doing to look at me, or more specifically, the little Terran in my arms.

There was no doubt my brothers were all hit with the scent the accompanied our mate. It was Val that approached first, with Zek and Nadi both close behind. They walked slowly, as if they were scared he would disappear if they were to get to close. When they all were close, I lowered my arms so they could get a better look at him, as I had had him curled into me with his face hidden.

They all seemed to take a deep inhale at the same time, his innocent face now in their view. I didn't dare move. Despite the fact I wanted the doctor to look at him right away, this moment would no doubt be the most important one of my brothers lives, and I wasn't going to dampen it.

It was Vel who reached out to our mate, lightly racing his finger tips across our mates cheek, no doubt feeling what I had earlier upon touching our mate for the first time. Then Zek touched him, running his fingers through his curly dark hair, gasping slightly as he did. And finally Nadi touched him, running his fingers over our mates jawline, and looking as if he was about to cry.

We were all silent for a few minutes, simply watching our mate sleep in my arms, the gentle rise and fall of his chest, and the feeling of completion that welled inside all of us at having our mate here with us.

A cough broke the silence, and we turned to face the doctor, who had been patiently waiting for us to address him.

"I hate to break up the moment, as a moment like this deserves privacy, but from what I heard about my patient, there might be some urgency with him if I'm not mistaken?" The doctor said.

I shook my head, removing the fog that had formed, "yes, I found him at the auction. He was taken from Terra by Dumarians about two weeks ago. I don't know what either has done to him, but he doesn't seem well." It has been a while since I had seem images of Terrans from the IRO datebase, but I didn't think he should be this thin, and the dark circles indeed his eyes certainly didn't sit well with me either.

"Well, I didn't have much notice, but I did add as much information to my translator about Terran physiology as I could." The doctor said. Almost all races had forms of translator systems, and most had adopted just having them implanted into our brain, as it's less troublesome than having to carry something around. And though they are called "Translators" a lot of them can do a lot more than that, such as adding downloadable information to them to be able to save for later. Like being able to have a book open and when there's something you need from it, it's there.

I laid my mate down on to my bed, and the doctor pulled up a chair beside him, he eyed us all wearily and then began to remove the blanket from around him, which provoked several almost growls from us all.

I decided that the doctor would probable work better without the possibility of someone ripping his head off for simply touching his patient. "Let's go and let the doctor work, he could probable do without us all breaking down his neck." They all seemed to reluctantly agree, and with a few last glances, left our mate with the doctor.

"Vel, do we have any older model translators? The ones that don't require implanting? Terrans don't have any and I would imagine explaining to him that we all belong together would be a lot easier if he can understand what we're saying." I say.

Vel seems to ponder it for a moment, then says, "They've been out production for years, but I'd imagine there's some out there somewhere I bet we could get our hands on. Do you think you can get the SA to give you a copy of Their records of Terran languages the add to ours? Otherwise it wouldn't be too much help."

"I'm sure I could get them to, it is for the good of the Terran which I'm sure they would approve of." As forceful as I may have been earlier, the IRO wouldn't have allowed me to keep him if they seriously thought he would have been harmed by me and my brothers. They might be easily intimidated, but their morals wouldn't budge. They were good people, a lot of different races came together to form the organization, and they certainly made something they could be proud of.

We all decided to eat, as there was nothing else would could really think to do together as we all waited to hear from the doctor about our mates health. We are in silence for quite a while, other than Vel doing some looking into a translator for our mate, and me having another conversation with the IRO about getting a Terran language file.

Our food was nearly done, and we all felt rather tired waiting for any information, that is, until a bone-chilling scream came from my bedroom.

Hope you enjoyed! I am planning on having either another chapter of this or of his fear out tomorrow night, so look forward to that! Let me know what you think in the comments below! Thanks for reading!-A.B.

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