Chapter 7- Alone

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After an overwhelming amount of love, here's another chapter for your easter weekend! I hope you all enjoy this long and emotional chapter! Let me know what you guys think and I hope you enjoy!-A.B.

I picture the ear buds looking something like that?

Theodore's POV

I had felt myself being touched. I had been picked up, caressed, and now I was being pressed on and poked. I was asleep before, and while all the touches might have made me uncomfortable if I was awake, they were so gentle and comforting, and being asleep felt so nice, that I just didn't care.

But now was different, The touches weren't rough really, but they definitely didn't convey care or comfort. I debated just ignoring it. What was the point anymore? These aliens could do whatever they wanted to me, and it's not like I could fight them off or anything. They'd likely just drug me again, and I already know that'll it'll be less pleasant than the sleep I'm getting now.

So I take a deep inhale of breathe, and adjusting myself in the comfy bed I was laying on.

This I frowned at, the bed I had in my little prison cell wasn't even close to this comfy. I moved my hands, and felt thick sold bedding beneath my fingertips. I then noticed that the poking had ceased with my movement. I began to breathe a little more quickly, this wasn't one of the other doctor aliens, this was someone else.

The weird white haired one always looking at me like an object, and that weird place I went with the bright light, now this?

Then it all suddenly clicked.

I had been sold.

My eyes shot open, for some reason hoping the white haired one would be there with his creepy looks and is be back in that little room, away from new, and possible worst danger.

But my eyes met with a pair of solid red ones, just like the other aliens who took me originally. Those giant scary men who kept me in a tiny glass tube, I couldn't breathe, it was so small and I was strapped down, I was helpless, I couldn't do anything, I can't I-

A scream tore through my throat with a rage. Before I knew it I was scrambling as far away from the alien as possible. On shaky hands I pushed myself off the side of the bed, and ended up pushing myself into a corner as far as I could go.

I was in a robe of sorts, but it was open in the front, which I corrected by grabbing the two sides and pulling them around myself. The thing was huge on me, but I kept me covered.

I was breathing so hard my lungs started to hurt. I couldn't take this any longer, why is this happening to me? What did I even do?

I clenched my eyes shut, tear still seeping through, not wanting to see the new prison I had been thrown in. I pressed my hands over my ears, not wanting to listen to any more alien languages. All of this talking, all of these aliens with all of these plans just throwing me around like a toy and I just can't take it.

I heard a door open, and footsteps in the room, though my sobs muted quite a bit a bit of any talking going on. But I knew they were doing it, they just talk without a care, right in front of me. I mean, why shouldn't they? It's not like I can understand shit of what they're saying. So why not talk in front of the play-thing? Torture it even more? The stupid thing can't even understand us, so let's taunt it a little more before we send it off to it's next tormentor.

And I finally cracked.

"Just shut up!" I screamed as loud as physically possible, but it wasn't enough. "Why can you damn monsters just leave me the hell alone? What did I ever do to deserve this?! My parents fucking Abandon me like a piece of trash, and now aliens get to decide what kind of pain to put me through next? Just go!"

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