Got tagged

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Uh, I got tagged

😫 Okayyyyy, so 10 things about me
1. I'm a girl
2. I'm 23 years old
3. I'm single as fuck
4. I wrote lots of draft when I have some spare times but didn't public any
5. I'm a GD Stan
6. My love life is a mess so I assure you, I won't ever write a love story without killing some characters
7. I'm also a cosplayer
8. The book I'm bout to spoil is named 'Tag, you're it'
9. I probably the laziest person you can ever find
10. I have depression, so my way to battle it is to write while making my readers cry :)))))

😫 And here's my joke:
I'm looking for a bank that can perform 2 things: give me a loan and leave me alone :)))))

😫 Tag list



             ~Spoiler alert~

The knife glinted under the light that came off the dying sun in the horizon, reflecting a horrified expression. "Don't do this Cecilia", Darton cried out as his hands trembling uncontrollably, blood ran cold. But no matter how hard he shouted, Cecilia still stood there, emotionless. "I swear I will definitely ruin your life", she mumbled then raised her hand and the knife was plunged forward. In a slow motion, Darton could feel the flesh getting tore open, blood seeping through the clothes and he did the only thing that come to his mind, he shoved her off. Lost her footing, Cecilia spiralled down like a fallen leaf. "NO!", Darton helplessly reached over the balcony trying to grab her hand, a corner of her dress brushed his finger, he failed. With eyes void of any emotion, Cecilia looked him dead in the eyes as she was falling down, a smile blossomed on her lips right before she touched the ground. Blood seeping through her white dress, painted the ground red. Every fiber in his body screams in agony as Darton slowly clutched his trembling hands, to which was covered in blood. Hyperventilation. His vision swirling, his breath became shallow, his ears ringing, his muscles spasmed, his whole body went numb while hismouth gone dry. He just can't seem to catch his breath . The siren jostled him awake from his shock, Darton rush to the side of the balcony, leaned out to see the commotion down there. He caught a glimpse of Cecilia emotionless body and to his surprise, it seems that no one noticed her drying blood has shaped into a pentagram. Cold ran down his spine, piercing stare that came from a pair of ruby red eyes from a vague shape of blackness standing in the shadow. Darton squinted, trying to tell himself that it was his imagination. The longer he stared, the bigger it becomes until it was twice its original size and it stared right back at him, seemed that all the staring had caught its eye. Suddenly, the gravity seems to become heavier, lump formed in his throat as the devil bare its fangs in a crooked smile. It looks like a maniac, running lose trying to find his next victim. Darton could feels its gaze pierce his soul in a threatening way, leaving him shivering. Torn up wings spread up, a foul smell filled his nostrils, making him gagged. A gust of wind almost blew him off the balcony, forcing him to shield his face. When he opened his eyes again, it's already gone. Must be his imagination, Darton tried to convince himself in order to not panicked but his memory say otherwise. 'I don't have a soul, I sold it long ago for some french fries',  Cecilia innocent laughter he heard that day sounds so fucked up now. Darton looked down at his hands, the blood has darken so he wiped it on his shirt, got down on his knees and started praying as the sound of foot steps getting nearer.
| God forgives me as I have sin...|

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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