Chapter 9: The whispering spell

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Hello guys, as I said before, we will have a new male character in the story, so basically the story will have 2 endings (or more if i feel like it). So here's the instruction (took me a week to come up actually lol): 2 routes share the same chapter but will have a tiny different part which will be separated by this line "=========================", below the line will be the name of the character. If you see the third line mean that the separated part is over. If you have any question pls comment below. Enjoy guys <3


"You sure you ok sweetie?" – Moon asked, quite worried about your health as she saw you coughing and wheezing so bad. "Im ok Mother. It's just a common cold, nothing serious. I just need plenty of rest and drink some medicine, then I will be fine" – you tried to reassure Moon eventhough you were coughing so hard that you felt like you might cough out your heart. "Ok then, you should lie down and rest sweetie. But if you are not get any better in a week, I'll send Afred to fetch you, ok?", "yes, mother. Now if you excuse me" – you waved as the screen turned black. 'God, I need to lie down' – you had another coughing fit when that huge phone mirror thingy started to ring again. It was a call from Tom, you guys have been in contact for awhile, ever since he called to apologized about his behavior at the ball. "Hi Tom, sorry I cant really talk to you right now, Im..." – you started to cough violently, "(y/n) are you sick? It's freaking hot over there, how could you manage to catch a cold?", "well, it's a long story, basically me and Star found out about this dimension where everything is ice and water. It was freezing cold and Star accidentally shoved me and I fell into a lake, so.. yeah" – suddendly you heard a portal opened somewhere in your room, 'my god, he just barged in without even announcing himself. That Toffee' – "sorry Tom, something came up, talk to you later then". You don't even wait to hear his reply, just turned the mirror off as fast as possible.

"You seem restless, princess" – Toffee emerged from the curtains holding a weird looking bottle. "It's because someone keep on entering my room without asking for permission, and ignore the fact that he's my sister mortal enemy" – you huffed. "You do realize im not here to play, right?" – Toffee answered with a poker face while handed you the bottle. "What is it?", "cough medicine", "you mean it's not poison?" – Toffee just stared at you for a few seconds then head back to the portal. "See you tonight, princess", "weirdo" – you stuck out your tounge at the direction he just left then chugged down the whole bottle – "ble, taste weird. But it did get rid of the cough". Suddendly you heard someone arguing outside so you hid the bottle under the pillow, "it make me wonder why we even friend". 'Oh no Star, how could you said that' – you opened the door and glared at Star, "Star, don't be mean to Marco". "No (y/n), you stay out of this" – Star hissed, "it's ok (y/n), don't fight because of me... im going to my room". You let out a huge sigh, then headed to the kitchen making some cereal in hope it would cheer him up.



  Marco's route

"I can get Marco back from Ludo" – you just stood there, staring at the ground, 'so this is why he said he will see me tonight, that lizard'. "Forgot my scissors, come one (y/n)" – Star dragged you through the portal. "So what's the plan?", "you know I don't have one" – you sighed – "it's ok Star, Marco will be fine, trust me". "Yeah, he will be fine, Marco is strong, right?" – and she beat up Ludo and BuffFrog while we were on our way to the castle.


''Ludo gave me babies', lol, gosh, my dirty thoughts, they wont leave me alone', you tried hard not to laugh as you sticking your head into the room. "What did I said about the pillow. I don't need pillows on my chair. Im an adult", pfffff, 'god, I cant take it anymore', you was about to laugh your ass off when Star slapped you in the ass. "Hey, what was that for?", "here's the plan, we're going in on the count of one... One" – anddddd she just charged into the room. "No, wait, Star..." – looking at BuffFrod chased after Star, you started to wave your wand and whispered "Mana shield" then walked into the room calmly while blasting off monsters in the way. You gracefully made your way to Toffee as the fight broke out, "tired?" – you grinned while looking down at Toffee sprawling on the ground. "Losing an arm before meal time is not funny at all, little princess" – Toffee furrowed his brow. "Then how would you feel if I blast you off then? Release Marco immediately" – you were about to blast at Toffee when you got hit and fell down on the ground.

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