Ashton: But hopefully in the future, that will all happen.

Interviewer: That's if Harry Styles doesn't steal her from under your wing right?

Me: Pardon?

Ashton: Harry was helping her last night, the paparazzi had pulled her away from me. There isn't anything going on between them!

Interviewer: Well thank you guys. We will be printing this tomorrow and it will go on stands in 3 days!

We all got up and left.

"I hate printed interviews! They just distort everything and your words are actually written down!" Ash almost yelled.

"If they're like that then why did you want me to do it?" I yelled back at him!

"Everyone had to know, those rumours aren't true your mine!" He snapped.

"So this was about your ego!" I bit back.

"What do you want everyone thinking your sleeping with the whole of 5SOS, and not forgetting One Direction!" He began to argue!

"Guys, calm down! You don't want more stories do you?" Calum interrupted.

"Fuck off Cal! How come your involved in those rumours! Got something to tell me either of you?!" I can't believe Ashton just said that.

I stormed out. Ran down the block into a Starbucks, I went to the back so no one would see me or recognise me. Ash probably wouldn't check the back if he came in either. Idiot.

My phone rang. It was Niall?

Hey Niall.

Hey Tz, where are ya?

I'm in the Starbucks at the end of the road. If you're with the boys don't tell them where I am.

Why what's going on? I'm by myself. I'm walking down now! Get me a hot chocolate!

Okay, well I'm sitting right at the back, it's pretty empty, you should be alright! Wear a hat or something.

Alright girl, see you in a second.

I got two hot chocolates and returned to my table. Niall then came and sat down with me, I explained what happen. I was still so angry with Ash!

"He really loves you" after a moment of silence Niall spoke.

"He's not acting like he does very much!" I took a sip of my drink.

"Tz, you're all he ever talks about!"

"Yeah, good or bad?!" I snapped. "Sorry Niall, I don't mean to be snappy... I just can't believe he made a scene like that! And even for him to question me and Calum? He knows I love him more than life itself! He's all I have!"

"C'mon" Niall stood up. "Take my arm, and we'll walk back to the bus, they'll all be going out of their minds I bet!" I did as I was told.

"Wait Niall, what if we get pictured like this?" I stopped.

"We're friends, it's cold? You can't live your life being scared of a camera Tz".

He was right.

We got back to the bus. I think there was a couple snaps taken. I didn't have the energy to care anymore. We walked up. Ashton was sitting in front of the door.

The second he saw me he did his sad face and put his arms out.

I hit him on the head before sitting on his lap, wrapping myself in his arms.

"Ever question me like that again and I will pull your balls off Irwin!" I whispered in his ear.

"I don't mind you touching them..."

I huffed.

"I'm sorry Tz. Just I care so much about you! You was my girl, now your the worlds!" He put head on my chest.

"Ashton Irwin. Look at me! I will always be your girl. I will always be yours! No one else's! Just yours! Not Luke's, Calum's, Harry's whoever! Just yours!" He looked at me and smiled.

"I love you" he kissed my nose. "Omg my lips just nearly froze to your nose! Your freezing!"

"Yeah, I was walking back with Niall, he's not as warm as he looks!"

"What do you mean?" That temper grew again.

"He found me upset and brought me back to the bus, it's cold so we was arm in arm? Is that a problem?" I grew a bit louder.

"Did people take photos?!" Ash shouted. Everyone now turned around.

"It's Niall! Of course they did!" I was now shouting!

"Ah great! Thanks for that! Going into a studio with your boyfriend and leaving with another boy, that doesn't look funny at all does it!"

"Fuck you Ash!" I stood up and walked to my bunk.

"Don't fucking swear at me!" He screamed.

"Mummy and Daddy are fighting again Calum" Mikey sulked.

Calum hugged him and everyone threw pillows at them.

"Go get some pizza Mikey" I ordered.

"Yes Mummy".

Ash then began to send me the comments that people was saying on twitter. They was mean.

I texted back:

Fuck you.

That must of done! He stormed in and started screaming at me not to swear at him. He was swearing himself! He went on for a good 15 minutes. How do I shut him up.

I stood up and grabbed his face. Kissed him. Called him a prick. Kissed him again. Then we made up. Yet again, very rough.

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