"Well, that works both ways, Peter." Aunt May said seriously, and he could tell that she was smiling in the process. "I just wanted to make sure you know that."

"Aunt May....I don't know what to say." Spider-Man said, stopping on the side of a water tower.

"Oh, I think Mr. Li needs my help. I should go. See you soon dear. I love you." Aunt May said.

"Love you too." Spider-Man said, before she hung up. He then proceeded towards the Fisk estate. 

When he got to the building, he noticed that the ocean was nearby. He stopped to marvel at the beauty of it in the moonlight. As he did this, he couldn't help but think of Mera, and wonder where she might be.

"Peter, Mera said she's not interested in you. Stop thinking about her." Spider-Man said to himself. But easier said than done.

Never the less, he still had a job to do. He opened a window hatch on top of the building and jumped into it.

Stealthily and quietly, Spider-Man crawled through the vents, searching for any abnormalities of the such in the museum. After a few minutes of crawling, he found what he was looking for.

A woman in a maroon suit was on the ground, trying to scoot away from someone in a black suit, who had a gun in his hands, and it was aimed right at the woman. Spider-Man tried to see the person's face, but that person was wearing a strange black and white mask. Then as Spider-Man shifted to get a better look, he saw that there were multiple guys in black suits and masks of black and white around the area.

The goon with the gun aimed at the woman came closer to her. "I am losing patience. Where is the file?" he said. The woman quivered in fear as she tried to back away some more.

"T-There's someone else here.....They must have taken it!" she said.

'Who are these guys in masks?' Spider-Man thought to himself.

"There's no one here but us." The goon said, as he went and grabbed the woman to bring her on her feet. He then retained a grip on her and continued. "We will find the file, or you will die." he threatened, pointing the gun at the woman again.

"This is bad." Spider-Man said as he watched them take her away out of sight of the vent he was looking at. "If I alert them, they'll kill her. I gotta take them out quietly."

He then set up his phone in his mask and called Yuri. "Yuri, the silent alarm was legit. Masked gunman and a single hostage. Seems like a heist in progress." he said as he searched for the closet vent to take out the gunmen.

"Copy that. Sending units your way. In the meantime, keep the situation from getting worse." Yuri responded.

"Way ahead of you Yuri." Spider-Man said, before hanging up.

He eventually found another vent and looked down. There seemed to be only one gunman in the area, along with a rail close to the ceiling. Spider-Man took this opportunity to crawl out the vent and jump onto the rail.

Normally at this point he'd crack a little joke and start punching the goons. But in this case, since the gunmen all had talkies, he couldn't risk being seen. If he was, then they would kill the hostage.

But then Spider-Man got an idea. He shot a web ball at the floor near the gunman to in an attempt to bring him closer for a surprise attack. It works like a charm. The gunman heard the sound and came closer, gun drawn. Spider-Man waited until he was right underneath him, before, shooting his web out suddenly towards the goon, yanking him up and webbing him to the rail. He then proceeded to take away the talkie from his belt.

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