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New Donk City Bank of Commerce

Parking the car, Baskins and I got out and walked over to the Captain. Looking around the area, police and SWAT Team were at the perimeter of the bank entrance.

"About time you came, Kaine. Waiting for the red carpet to roll out?" He said sarcastically.

"Captain Haas, no time for shenanigans. Hostages are okay?"

"They'll alright. Three robbers walked in and fired rounds in the air. From what I was told, they didn't ask for money. They asked for you" explain the Captain.

"Fans of yours?" Baskins asked, a little snicker leap out of her mouth.

"I hope not."

We walked over to the Captain of the SWAT Team, Damien Diego. My old partner.

"About fucking time. Need to make an entrance?"

Damien is like a lighten firecracker in a box of fireworks. He blows up and makes a giant mess. He was fine when we were together.

After the move to the SWAT Captain, he's been a dick at me. It's sad to see where to see a man who I've supported, call a friend, and even help out when he need it treat me like crap.

"My team will go with you in case you fuck up" said Damien.

"My plan is not to do that, Diego. Do us a favor and watch your mouth."

Dame laughed, combing his jet hair. "I don't take orders from you, Famous Waylon."

I ignore the attitude as I put on a bulletproof vest and head towards the bank doors.

My partner didn't like the remarks from my ex partner. "Damien, do you always have to be a dick?"

"Waylon's new squeeze defending her Knight in Shining Armor. Isn't it romantic?"

"Diego, that's enough" Capt. Haas ordered.

With five of Diego's team and Baskins, I open the doors and enter slowly.

The people were laying on the blue mable floor with three men and a women stood with pistols at the hostages.

"I'm Officer Waylon Kaine. You've requested me. Let these people go and we can talk."

There wasn't an answer from the robbers. Looking at the group, they seem like they were far away from a metal concert.

There was a large man with a beard that grew to his chest as well as his brown hair. He was the tallest of the four.

Closest height to the tall man is another man. The man had a shorten blone beard, the sides of his head bald with the middle of his hair comb to the back.

The woman was the shortest of the group and she was the strangest as she look around the place like she was on something and chuckling.

The last person was a man who wore a bandana on his mouth and rip jeans.

At the sight of me, they put down the weapons, got down on their knees and got in position to be arrested.

The SWAT Team went over to the group and apply the handcuffs on them.

"Are you sure they're not fans of yours? They just gave up at the sight of you" Baskins asked.

"No they're not. This is very weird."

Yes it was. And it kept getting weirder as the handcuffed robbers stare at me before going out the door.

After checking out the hostages if they were okay, we went outside. I was ambushed by news reporters. I tried to ignore the questions, heading back to my patrol car.

As I start the car, I saw Damien shaking his head. I'll get with him later. But I gotta find out about whats the deal with the robbers.

There wasn't much going on other than small crimes. I was at my desk, waiting on Baskins who was helping the Chief interrogating the bank robbers.

The two walked over to my desk and they had an interesting look on their faces.

"Kaine...we need you" said Baskins.


"They won't talk to us. They would only speak to you" The Captain explain.

This day is getting weirder and weirder. I don't know these people and somehow I'm on their request line.

I got up and head to the robbers containment cells. I will find what's their obsession with me. At least I could get some answers out of them.

Nergal [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now