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"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes Princess" a young man voice answer to the young lady across the round table. "I've seen this monster slaughter innocent people. His hands going through their bodies. Menacing green eyes that would give you nightmares."

"There has been some troubling news that citizens have been killed by a creature that fits your description, Shulk. A dark skin creature with tendrils with long wings.

"I know one monster that relates to this" a woman's voice said out of a voice box. A green light shine from a visor.

"This one isn't like him, Samus. This one is half human, half monster" Shulk told everyone.

"Dear goodness. How can we defeat such creature?" a slightly high feminine voice question.

"We can defeat this person. We specialize in monster hunting" an masculine voice announce to everyone.

"Simon. Richter. We can trust you two to stop this monster?" The young lady asked.

"Yes you can. We will bring justice to the person. We have a clue about a strange being in New Donk City."

A gasp came out of the high pitch lady. "Oh no. That's near Mushroom Kingdom. First, the stars disappearing and now this."

"No worries, Princess Peach. Simon and I conquer monsters like this. We just need to find who causing harm."


New Donk City
Metro Kingdom

The familiar ringing seep in my ears causing me stir up from my slumber. Sitting up, a long yawn was released.

Another day protecting the city I love.

Getting out of my body, I listen the music of the city. The honking of the cars, citizens shouting either at each other or bands playing.

To others, it's annoying. To me, it's glorious.

Looking at my reflection in the slightly dirty mirror, I brush my mess brown hair. Finishing clean up and getting dressed, I got out a container of shimp lo mein from my slightly empty fridge and ate what little was left.

After eating breakfast, I got out of my apartment and start riding my bike to work.

New Donk City is my home, my kingdom. I'm just a guy who does his best to protect it from people who dare decide to cause my city to cry.

Arriving at the NDCPD Building, I park my bike on the nearby light pole and enter the building.

After changing into my uniform, I saw my partner at our desk, taking selfies instead of working.

Taking another one, I decide to do a photobomb. Twisting around her head, she looked at my disappointed face. "Messing around as usual, Baskins."

"At least I wasn't creeping around, Kaine."

Sophie Baskins is young woman who does . Into her second year on the force, she has grown from her rookie year. The timidness and awkwardness was gone. If only her laziness was also gone.

"Why aren't you at the meeting?" I asked her.

"Chief had to go to the Mayor's Office. Didn't you hear what happen while we were asleep?"

Handing me today's newspaper, I read the front page. "More people slained by creature."

I've heard about this mysterious creature. It's been making it's appearance around the Nintendo World. Usually it's been one person killed by the damn thing.

Early today incident makes the most people it has killed. Four homeless people found dead...and dismembered.

"What kind of thing could do that?" my partner asked.

I didn't answer her as I was thinking about this thing coming into my city and harming my people.

"You're doing it again."

Raising an eyebrow, I looked at my partner. "What?"

"The "I gotta be a hero" look. I get that you're New Donk City's hero. Stopping criminals, saving babies, and earning medals. But, don't you dare try to go after this thing" Baskins warn me.

"Sophie, I'm not the hero of the city. All the officers deserve the honor.

"Plus, that thing will still be out there. Who's going to stop it? Mario and his scary ass brother, Luigi? They got their own Kingdom and Princess to deal with.

"Someone has-"

"NDCPD report! We got a 10-30-B. Armed with civilians. Anybody copy?"

I grabbed the mic of my radio. "Officers Kaine and Baskins on the way. Is there anyone hurt?"

"No. Good thing you're coming. The robbers are asking for you."

No time to think about what the responder said. We grabbed our stuff, got in a police car and head to the New Donk City Bank.

Thinking about the last thing the operator said. What did the robbers want with me? I may be know around the city, but getting innocent people involve to get my attention.

If they don't harm them, they can have me.

Nergal [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now