"So Jungkook any boyfriends recently?" Taehyung questions while his mate glares at him.

"N-no hyungie, I'm scared.." he softly answers trailing off.

"Why's that?"

"J-jiminie hyungie said his ex before you was bad. He cheated, verbally abused, and was a drunk-"

"Really?" Taehyung looks at his mate, anger in his eyes. "Not everyone is like that Kook, don't be scared okay?"

Jungkook nodded his head, he was confused as to why they were glaring at each other. "Are you both mad at each other?" He asked softly stepping away from the hug.

"I know I am because your brother is ly-"

"Taehyung shut it!" Yelled Jimin.

Taehyung glared at his mate before standing up and towering over him, "Let's not forget who the Alpha is here Jimin. Stop babying him so much, he's allowed to date. Stop lying to him as well!"

"No I don't want him to! You baby him as well so you have no room to be talking."

Jungkook watches with wide doe eyes as they argue in front of him. What did Taehyung mean, how was his brother lying to him? They usually share everything with one another, but now Jimin is lying to him and he doesn't know what he's lying about.

"Why can't I date hyung?" Jungkook questions, his head tilting to the side slightly.

"Don't question my ways Jungkook!" Jimin yells, Jungkook looks at his brother with wide eyes.

Jimin knows how sensitive his brother is when it come to yelling. Growing up Jungkook was always yelled at and made fun of for being an omega. Jimin's hand covers his mouth as he registers what he just did, "I'm sorry kook, I didn't mean to yell-"

Jungkook ignores him and goes to his room locking the door behind him, he puts on his shoes before opening the window. He knows it to late to go out by himself but he doesn't like the fact he's being lied to and yelled at for no reason.

(Ski-pity skip skip~~)

Jungkook was walking along the side walk, hands in his pockets. He hated being so emotional but he couldn't help it, growing up his father never excepted him as an Omega. His father would always yell at him and call him worthless, of course he's going to be emotional when his brother saw everything happening to him but did nothing to help stop what was going on.

Jungkook's eyes water at the painful memories, his vision blurring as the tears build up. He keeps his head low, looking at the ground as he continues to walk with no known destination. Not realizing that someone was walking his way, not paying attention to anything but his phone as he walks towards Jungkook.

After feeling himself collide with a hard surface Jungkook lands on his butt harshly, "Owie!" He whimpers as he looks up seeing he bumped into a male that looked a few years older than him as he falls to the ground as well groaning in pain.

"What the fu-" he cuts himself off as he looks Jungkook in the eyes, "my mate, I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going at all and- wait why are you crying baby?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." He gently whispers, nodding the stranger helps Jungkook stand.

"I'm Yoongi, what's your name baby?" Freezing Jungkook looks up at Yoongi, since the male is quite taller than him, he shakes away the thoughts Jimin put in his head about Yoongi.

"I'm Jungkook... you're really handsome Yoongi~"

Smiling, Yoongi kissing him on the cheek, "My mate so pretty~" he coos.

"I'm pretty?" He questions looking up at Yoongi with his cheeks tinted pink.

"The prettiest~" he whispers before kissing his mate all over the face causing the smaller to erupt in a fit of giggles.

Yoongi wraps his arms around Jungkook's small waist as he continues to kiss all over his face, Kook has never felt happier his whole life. Their smiles drop when Jungkook's phone starts to ring, he sighs and pulls out his phone seeing it's Jimin calling him.

Yoongi grabs the phone motioning for Kook to be quiet as he answers the phone, putting it on speakerphone before pulling Jungkook's closer to him.


"Yoongi?! Where's Jungkook?!" Jimin yells into the phone.

"He's safe with me and you know that." He calmly answers smiling at Jungkook.

"Stay away from my brother Yoongi, he doesn't know the truth."

Yoongi shakes his head and scoffs, "You have fed him lie after lie after lie about me! I was nothing but gentle and sweet to you and then you cheat on me? I refuse to stay away from my mate Jimin."

Sighing he looks at Jungkook, after hanging up on Jimin while he's screaming, "Baby, I already know what Jimin has told you, he's told everyone in this town the same damn thing. Let me take you on a date to prove it all wrong baby."

Annnnnnnd that's the official first chapter of my second book!!!!! I hope you all enjoy this~~

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