Together...To be...Together...And be...

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Nate's POV:

We all are here, speechless and shocked. Nobody thought somebody of us maybe could die. Yes, we are being tortured here, but they never would kill us. If we would die, our dark sides would die too. But that this fight of survival, would kill both of the fighters, just comes unexpected.

I only hear crying everywhere. From Cristina, Singe, from me and the most from Matt. He lost his wife and he knows that it was originally his fault. The virus forced him to bring Matternie out and this is why the big fight of survival began. For Steph and Matternie.

The pain of the liquid that Matt injected in Steph. The pain of fighting against Matternie. The pain that she felt in her heart because of Matt's words. All the mental and physical pressure was too much for her body and it just broke inside. 

"...why...why...why..." Matt mutters the same word over and over again, also when he already know the answer. He don't wanted to accept it. He just want to.

I slowly crawl to him, ignoring the pain of the wound on my arm and put my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me with red eyes because he cried so much. I hug him tightly and Singe and Cristina do the same. We all cry together.

"Nate, it's not over..." I hear Phantom say.

"What do you mean? Steph died, she's gone!" I yell back at him.

"Nate, I can help you!" I starts to yell as well.

"And how please?! She's dead! She will never come back to us!" 

"We can bring her back! OK?! WE CAN BRING HER BACK! AND WHEN DON'T DO IT NOW, IT'S TO LATE!" he yells nervously and hysterical.

"W-What? You can bring her back?" I ask unbelieving.

"YES! But we need your bodies! Hurry! Before we lost her completely! She still is alive somewhere in there!" he answers quickly and I let him take control as fast as I can. My cloths change immediately from mine to Phantom's.

He quickly stands up and takes Steph out of Matt's arms. Before Matt can react, Singe and Cristina hold him still, so that he can't stop Phantom. They realized what he plans to do. 

"Wait! Nate! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Matt yells at Phantom but he ignores Matt. He's focused on something else.

He holds his hand on Steph's chest and begins to press shortly with a break of three seconds. After the 10th time he starts to mutter words and presses harder. I can feel that he feels pain, because of the wound on the arm, but he ignores it completely.

"I know....To be there...When and where...I'll be there...You know... Whats to be said... It's said outloud...But never said... A premonition of the words... Comes To me... A sign...In your eyes...A familiar light... Says "It's alright." he sings and groans quietly and waves Matt to him.

Matt slowly comes closer and places himself next to Phantom, who starts to whisper.

"Ok, repeat after me! She has to get the words from a person who is very close to her! Please, just trust me!" he whispers quickly. Matt nods and Phantom starts to whisper the words in his ear. Matt starts to repeat them while Phantom still presses his hand on Steph's chest a bit harder and slower

"You said you don't have to speak... I can hear you... I can feel all the things you've ever felt before... I said it's been a long time... Since someone looked at me that way... It's like you knew me... And all the things I couldn't say." he repeats the words and Phantom starts to waves also Singe and Cristina to him. 

"Together... To be... Together... And be..." Phantom sings and looks to the others to tell them, that they need to sing with him.

"Together...To be...Together...And be..." the others start to sing as well. I hear in Phantom's voice that he lets a bit of my voice trough his, so that the others can hear it. I start to sing as well.

One big happy family! (Sequel to Madpat/NateMare/Antisepticeye/Darkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now