If I could go free, they come to recapture me!

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Amy's POV:

We leave the room as quick as possible. This is a dangerous plan, way TOO dangerous. But if it helps us to bring the guys back, I'll risk it.

"Ok, memorize where our room is, if we need to run, we need to know exactly where we are going!" I say to Signe, who nods immediately. We begin to run to the first door and check if one of the 8 guys is coming, but nobody's in sight. I open the door and peek inside but there's nothing. I look back to Singe and shake my head to indicate that there is nothing. We check the next 7 doors but we find anything.

"Sure, normally we are surrounded by sharp and hurring things, but when we need one, we find nothing! Of course!" Singe whispers annoyed. How could I blame her, I'm only thinking the same. We are in front of the ninth and last door and check if somebody's coming.

"I'm actually not surprised about that. We are the biggest, unlucky persons anyways..." I whisper back and I'm about to open the door as I hear a footsteps from our right side of the hallway. I freeze on the spot as I hear the footsteps coming closer.

"Shit! What do we do now?!" Singe whispers hysterically. I look to the direction where our room is. We can't reach it before they see us, it's too far away from us. If we run in that direction, we reveal our hiding place! Wow we are unlucky persons indeed! One of us must distract them, also when it means that they will catch that one.

"Ok, go in the room and hide until they are gone. Hurry!" I say and open the door quickly.

"Wait, what about you?! I can't leave you to them!" Singe protests and looks at me with a worried look.

"It doesn't matter! It's better when one of us is safe than both of us are captured! I will distract them! Look in the room for a solution, I have a feeling that you will find something in there!" I say as quick as possible. I look to the my right side and see the shadow of the man to who belongs the footsteps around the corner of the right hallway.

"Ok, but Amy....please...don't die..." she says as she enters the room.

"I will try it...now hide!" I yell and close the door and look towards the shadow. As soon as I close the door, the shadow starts to run and and the footsteps are coming closer. He runs around the corner and I see Nate running towards me with full power.

"Guys, I have one of them! She's running in your way!" he yells as start to run away from him as fast as I can. But his footsteps are coming closer and closer. He's clearly faster than me. I run around the corner of the left side of the hallway and sprint down the hallway.

As I pass another intersection I feel my arms grabbed from both sides that are pulling me back. I try to get rid of the hands but they have a very strong grip around my arms. I'm starting to scream as they are pulling me back more and more. Suddenly a hand covers my mouth and muffles my screams. The smell of it is only too familiar for me. I could recognize it everywhere.

"MARK!" I want to scream but the scream as muffled. I try to punch and kick him to get rid of him and the hands but with no avail.

"Don't struggle, my dear, all is going to be alright..." I hear Mark's familiar voice behind me. It scares me that he sounded so familiar and kind as always, but this time, it's not positive at all. I stop to struggle as he wraps his other arm around my waist. The hands tie my wrists behind my back with a piece of thick tape.

"Ok, what do we do with her now?" Matt says as he appears next to me. Seán does the same on the other side. I completly surrounded by them.

"I will bring her to Dark, he will know what to do with her." Mark hisses behind me and takes his hand off of my mouth and grabs my arm. All of them look at me amused about my fear. They know what will happen to me and I think this not really that positive.

"Alright, we look for the other three...they can't be far away. Come on guys, don't waste time." Nate says and starts to walk away. Matt and Seán follow him and Mark starts to drag me forwards. Still with a strong grip around my arm and waist. He obviously doesn't want that I can flee.

"Mark, please, don't do this to me..." I begin to plead as we walk down the hallway.

"Shut up! I need to fulfill my duty!" I says and tightens his grip around my arm.

"No, you don't have to. Please Mark, don't believe what the others told you!" I yell at him in disbelief. Did he really forget EVERYTHING about his past life?? He stops and pushs me to the wall. I groan as my face touchs the cold wall with a big slam.

"Now, listen! I will fulfill my duty and YOU will not stop me! Ah and only to tell you, you will soon understand what your place in this world is. And that is to be a servant of Darkiplier and the others! And now shut the fuck up!" he yells in my ear. I can't believe that he actually said that. What has Dark done to him that he acts like that?

I stay quiet, I don't want that he yells at me like that again. And I especially don't want to know what how aggressive he can become.

"Looks like somebody understood the message." he says and pulls me away from the wall and we continue to walk down the hallway. At the end of the hallway we stop in front of a big grey door with a blue and red aura. Mark opens the door and pushs me into the room. I stumble forwards and lose my balance and fall to the ground.

"Ah, look at who we have here. How little cute girlfriend, right Mark?" Dark steps in front of me and kneels down to my eye level. He has the same insane grin on his face like always.

"Yes, indeed, master." I hear Mark saying and laugh behind me.

"I think we should leave her a bit alone. It seems that she doesn't really want any company at this moment." Dark says and stands up. He and Mark bring me on my feets and carry me to a chair and tie me to it. I don't struggle, I understood that I can't escape. A single tear runs down my cheek. As they finish to they me up, they gag my mouth so that I don't scream. They're really accurate in terms of security. Then both of them leave the room without saying a word. I begin to cry in desperation. Oh please, let the others be safe and that they will find a solution.

One big happy family! (Sequel to Madpat/NateMare/Antisepticeye/Darkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now