Every soul contains a whisper of light...

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3rd person:

The four girls bring their counterpart's partner in another room. All of them enter the room from a different door. Their liberators are waiting in the middle of the room. Everyone of them grins insanly as they see their finacés dragging their unconscious counterparts into the room.

"Excellent work ladies!" Dark chuckles as they come closer. In the middle of the room are standing four chairs in a row.

"Excellent work, indEeD!" Anti giggles. The four AlterEgos help their fiancés to put the four guys on the chairs and tie them to the chairs with a few ropes. The wrists behind the back of the chair, the legs tied together and blindfolded. They all step back from the guys. Every AlterEgo places himself in front of his counterpart. Their fiancés places themself next to them. Then the AlterEgos snap simultaneously their fingers and the guys slowly start to wake up. They don't need long to realize that they are tied up and are starting to struggle.

The AlterEgos say nothing and stare grining on their struggeling counterparts that are starting to notice eachother.

"Hello? Guys? Are you here?" Seán asks panicly. They stop to struggle and calm down. 

"Yeah, looks like it." Nate replies more calmly.

"Where are we? I can't see anything." Mark asks.

"I think we all share the same fate..." Matt replies.

"Oh...If you only know what we are going to do to you..." NateMare says chuckling. All four guys jump in surprise and start to struggle again.

"YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Nate yells. NateMare rips forcefully Nate's blindfold off and looks into Nate's eyes.

"I'm right here....dummy!" he hisses and stares grining at Nate who only gulps and looks at NateMare terrified and intimidated. Nate notices Crystal standing behind NateMare and looks at her with a pleading look. He just hopes that Cristina can see all of this and tries to fight back. 

"Not so talkative anymore, huh?" NateMare says to him and pulls out a knife and looks to Crystal. She kisses him on his cheek and smiles towards Nate. He looks at her with a hurted look. How could she do that to him. 

The other AlterEgos rip the blindfolds of their counterparts off and glance at them with madness and amusement. The guys are all quite and sit rigid in their chairs. One wrong word or move could mean a lot of pain for them. 

"Big and naughty mouth, but in truly so shy and vulnerable...as expected..." NateMare says, followed by deep chuckles from the other AlterEgos. The guys just feel so restrained and humiliated. Like little mices in an elephant herd. 

"But don't worry...we're not gonna hurt you...but that only counts for four of us..." Dark says and stares at Mark with an insanly grin.

"And you know for sure who this four people are." Madpat says and looks at Matt with a questioning look. But he knows the answer already. So do Mark, Seán and Nate. So logically, but so painful at the same time.

"...but the other four spEcial peOplE in this room are only WAITING for tHis moment!" Anti giggles and looks back to Siptic which can't stand still from excitement. She plays with a knife in her hand. Only ready to use it on a victim. She can hardly wait to use it on Seán. He gulps as he sees the big knife in her hand and her insane expression. This is truly the sign of a devil's work.

"And to not ruin the show, we will let you alone with them. Your beautiful girls can't save you anyway. They're to weak for that!" Madpat says and pulls out a knife and hands it to Matternie who thankfully takes it and kisses him on his cheek. Another deep cut in Matt's heart. Seeing THIS, is for him enough torture. He wishes Steph back as much as he has ever done before. 

One big happy family! (Sequel to Madpat/NateMare/Antisepticeye/Darkiplier)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin