I always come back!

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The AlterEgos were watching the whole szenario. They didn't really disapper, they only just made themselfs invisible. But they're not angry or surprised about what happened. They expected this since the beginning. At some point, this moment would have come anyway. Their finacés were in control after a very long time, this time of waiting has weakened them a bit, but it's normal.  But they have A LOT of methods to bring them out again. That's not a huge problem. 

The guys are still holding their partners in their arms. 

"Matt...I'm so sorry..." Stephanie says crying. To see Matt being tortured by herself just hurted so much in her heart.

"You don't need to, honey...everything's ok." he says and looks in her eyes and kisses her. They missed it so much to kiss eachother without bad thoughts. 

"I'm so sorry what I did to you, Nate...I couldn't control myself. Please, forgive me..." Cristina begs and digs her face into Nate's chest. Nate's hard breathing and groans as her hair touchs the deep cut that Crystal made in his arm. He immediatly pulls it back and brings it out of her hair range. 

"It's...alright...everything is...alright..." he says with a tiny voice. His vocal cords and his entire body is hurting. 

"Mark...I --" Amy starts to say but Mark cuts her off. 

"You need to say anything, Amy. We're together again and that's what's important." he says looks down at her with a tiny and happy smile. He doesn't want that she justifies herself for something she didn't do. It wasn't her fault, but of course she feels guilty and Mark knows this feeling only too good. This uncountable times that he felt guilty of what he has done in the past. All of them plague him until now. Every single one of them.

Singe looks up to Seán and opens her mouth and wants to start to justify herself, but Seán interupts her immediatly. 

"No, Singe. Say nothing. I know what do you want to say and it's alright. I forgive you everything." Seán says and smirks at Singe. She kisses him and hugs him tightly. That he forgives her what she has done to him was just unbelieveable. He went through so much pain and sadness. How could he forgive her that easily. 

"Ok, ladies, guys. What do we do now?" Seán asks loudout and stand up. He helps Singe to stand up and looks to the others. They all stand up and look to eachother.

"Well...find out where we are could be an option." Matt says and they all nod. 

"But wait. Don't forget...our dark sides are around here somewhere. We should move together." Mark says before somebody can make a move.

"Somewhere is a bit inaccurate. Don't you think Matthew." Madpat says and everybody turns immediatly in his direction. He's standing in front of one of the doors. His hands in the pockets of his lab coat.

"Yeah, I thought "the great theorist" would know everything." Dark chuckles that stands behind them on the other side of the room. The single couples are stepping back and hitting theirselfs with their backs. They are completly surrounded. 

"But how you say always: IT'S JUST A THEORY." NateMare hisses and appears in front of the right door. 

"But to calm you dOwn. THis Is nOt a thEoRy at all" Anti giggles and appears from the left side and completes the circle. The guys hold their partners very close to them. 

"Did yOu really thought that we would let yOu move around freely? We aRe nOt DoNe yEt!" Anti asks giggling and the AlterEgos are stepping forward. The guys look at eathothers with questioning looks. But all of them have the same idea and nod.

"Ok, girls. When we give you the sign you run to the door and run away." Mark whispers. All the girls look at their partners like they are insane.

"We can't leave you here!" Cristina whispers.

"We will catch up later! Just trust us!" Seán whispers back.

"Enough Small-Talk! Be prepared to suffer!" NateMare hisses and looks at them with a serious look.

"NOW!" Nate yells and the guys are sprinting towards their counterparts and start to struggle with them. The girls quickly run towards one of the doors and open it. Before they leave the room they looks to the guys with worried looks. 

Mark punches Dark right in the face. Dark stumbles backwards and holds his hand under his nose. Blood starts to run out of his nose. NateMare has Nate in a stranglehold, but Nate bites in his arm and he yells out in pain. Nate immediatly throws NateMare over his shoulder on the ground. Seán struggles with Anti and kicks him with the knee in his stomach. Anti falls on the ground and groans in pain as his face slams on the cold, black floor. Matt struggles with Madpat on the ground

Then they run out of the room and down the hallway. They run faster as they hear fast footsteps coming closer and closer. They run down the right hallway next to them. At the end are four single hallways. They don't know which one they should take and stop running and quickly turn around. Their guys run towards them. As they reach them they are very exhausted and breath very heavily. 

"How could you catch up so quickly?" Steph asks curiosly.

"We...We only...distracted them...to...to give you time to escape..." Nate replies and takes the last deep breaths and starts to breath more normally. 

"I know you're going to think I'm crazy...but we must split up!" Matt says quickly. 

"Are you insane, Matt?!" Seán yells at him. 

"Yeah, what if don't find eachother again?" Singe asks panicly. 

"For now it's not important! We need to split up! Now!" Mark says and looks down the hallway. Black smoke starts to come around the corner and coming closer. 

"Ok. Seán, you go with Cristina. Mark, you go with Steph. Matt with Singe and Amy comes with me! If we are going with our partners it could be easier for them to bring the girls' dark sides out!" Nate says and looks to Cristina for the last time. All of them nod and look towards their hallway that they are going to take.

"Ok, stay safe everyone! See you later!" Mark says and looks to Amy. Then they run down they disappear in their hallways. 

The AlterEgos sprint towards the end of the hallway and look down the four hallways. 

"You know what to do! Mad, you follow Seán and Cristina. Mare, you follow Mark and Stephanie. Anti, you follow Nate and Amy! I'm gonna follow Matthew and Singe! Use all your tools, skills and opportunities to get them!" Dark yells and they run down the hallways. 

"LET THE HUNT BEGIN!" all of them yell at once.

One big happy family! (Sequel to Madpat/NateMare/Antisepticeye/Darkiplier)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant