Heart crushing pain...

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Author Note:

I heard this song when I wrote the last third of the chapter and it inspired me. It has turned out quite sad, exactly what the song reflects.That's why no happy greeting. I have had a relatively rough life in the last few weeks and  the feelings that you get of this song and chapter represent a bit the feelings I had in the recent weeks. But I hope you like this chapter anyway.

See ya and have a great night or day!



Steph's POV: 

"Ok, I will try to get one after the other, then it is easier to talk to them." I say to the others who are already prepared to grab Seàn or Matt. They all nod and leave the room. 

I immediatly look to both sides of the hallway, but nobody's there. I choose to go down the left corridor and go as slow as possible. I don't make any noice to focus on every single noise that might can come from the others. Also when I am looking for Seán and Matt, it doesn't mean that I can meet one of the AlterEgos.

Suddenly I hear somebody talking and I freeze on my spot. I listen closely to find out which voice it is. But the voice doesn't sound manly at all. The voice is very familiar but I can't really tell who it is. The voice slowly comes closer. I take a few steps backwards.

"So, should we find the others or should we already prepare the next phase of the plan?" the voice questions curiously.

"Well, the next phase includes to bring Crystal, Matternie and Siptic back and I think we can't do that without the other girls...kinda obvious, don't you think?" another voice answers. This time it is a manly voice. But this time I recognize it immediatly, it's Mark! But that must mean...

"Damy, are you sure that you are now in full control of Amy?" he says with a bit of uneasiness. Suddenly the footsteps stop and there's a moment of entire silence.

"100% sure, she gave up fighting, I control her mind completely and by having Mark under your control, there isn't really another person to free them from our control." Damy says and I hear a sound of a hard slap. I hear Mark groan quietly. Did she just slap him??

But I'll tell you one Wilford, even if you're almost as much of a virus as me, it doesn't it mean that you're worth more, ok? I'm next to Dark the person you're most likely need to follow my comands. Got it?" Damy answers with a strict tone. It seems that she really wants that Wilford respects her.

"Ok, I get it" he answers a bit nervous.

"Good, I don't want that we mess something up because of you. You are rookie, so don't mess something up, because when you do, I can garante that this is going to have consequences and I'm sure that you don't want to feel them." she says and they start to walk again. I take a bunch of footsteps backwards and look to our room. I could reach it if I am fast enough! 

"OK, I GOT IT! I'M NOT AN IDIOT, OK?" Wilford yells at her. This gives me the oppurtunity to go back a lot of steps to the room. I'm almost there!

"Ok, just chill your godammit life! We have something better to do than simply argue here!" she yells back and sighs annoyed. They act like little kids that fight about the freaking remote control. So freaking childish...

One big happy family! (Sequel to Madpat/NateMare/Antisepticeye/Darkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now