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Lets go back to hawks tho,

The glittering skyline in the night was a sight to enjoy, but sadly hawks couldn't do that.

Being a hero was all fun and games but the late nights and tireless day weren't something that you would want to do for almost 365 days of the year.

Coming back to an empty home was also quite depressing but well it is what it is.

"Hey Miriko, you wanna go get dinner?" asked Hawks

"Um... sorry hawks I am busy tonight, bye" and with that Miriko hung up the call

"Guess I am all alone... again" thought Hawks as he picked up his jacket and left.

Walking down the busy street, he saw a small ramen shop and for some weird reason he decided to go in.

"Ramen it is then" thought he

As soon as he stepped into the shop, gasps could be heard it wasn't an extremely busy shop but it wasn't deserted too.

Camera flashes and photo clicks could  also be heard,

"Here we go again" thought the hero,

"Konnichiwa" said the shop owner as he bowed down

"Konnichiwa" reciprocated the hero, "can I have one Tonkatsu ramen?"

"one Tonkatsu ramen coming up" said the man as he turned around and started preparing the dish.

After about 5 to 10 minutes, the door opened once again.

"You're here? Again?" asked the owner, with no bad intentions

"What can I do? I love your noodles so much" said Anya.

"Come sit"

As Anya walked down and started to sit down, she saw well you know who.

"oh my god" said she while straight up staring at Hawks, "Y-Youre the number two hero"

"Nice to meet you too"

"Holy fuck, you have no idea how much I have waited for this day to come" said Anya while laughing

"Well whats your name?" asked hawks

"I am Anya"

"By any chance is your last name Taketori?"

"Umm... yes?"

"Oh so you're the new neighbor!" said hawks with new found excitement.

Let me tell you a little fact about our main character,

Anya absolutely adores Hawks, it safe to say she is a Fangirl. And at this point, she lost her shit. But obviously she didn't show it, at least that's what she thought.

After a little while,

"So Anya, I am throwing a party next Friday" said the hero, "Would you like to come?"

"Friday huh? I don't think I can make it"

"C'mon, it's gonna be lit" added hawks "There's gonna be booze, guys and girls. C'monnn"

"Tell you what, I'll see if I can come" said anya.

"Omg! He invited me to a fucking party" and that's what she thought.

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