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Back in Tokyo,

"Hey dabi" called out a voice, not manly but not feminine also.

"What do you want, Tomura?" asked the black-haired man.

"I heard your girl is going out with that bird now"

"Tomura, before I turn you into ash get out"

"C'mon dabi no need to be salty" said Tomura, "We have a mission tomorrow, be there."

Dabi didn't respond to the man.

Now lets give you a little bit of backstory,

Dabi and Anya were together for a little while 3 months ago. Anya didn't really care that Dabi was a villain, but the relationship at its core was extremely toxic. Dabi wouldn't let Anya hangout with other guys and slowly but surely became the only one she would see.

Thus, they broke up but the man still loved her. He knew about her father, the relationship she shared with her mother and also helped her brother recover from alcoholism not in the most legal way but he did it.

Right now, the only purpose in Dabi's life was to distance Anya from Hawks, the double agent working undercover for the league of villains.

 He at the end just wanted to protect her.

Back to Kyoto,

I am the bad guy...duh!

"So your mom where does she live?" asked hawks

"I have no clue"

"What do you mean you have no clue?"

"I haven't talked her in like forever man"

"Makes sense" said hawks while trying to get comfortable in the small seat.

"Hawks look your friends are here" said Anya while pointing towards a group of chickens.

"Haha more like Your friends are here look" said the man while pointing towards a herd of cows.

"I can't wait to reach Kyoto"

"Where are we staying?"

"The integrate! I got a 10% discount"

"Same room?" asked hawks, with a smug look on his face.

"Hawks! Navigation" screeched out Anya.

By the time they finally entering the hotel and set their luggage in the room, it was already night time. Thus they decided to explore Kyoto, even though Anya grew up here she didn't know much about the city.

"Anya! Look KFC (Kyoto fried chicken)" said the man with puppy eyes, but the girl didn't really respond. "Anya, Anya!"

She was staring at a specific woman, who was wearing a black coat and seemed to be of the same height as her but was also old.

"Is" thought Anya while trying to get a closer look at the woman.

"I guess, I should follow her" thought Hawks, his dreams of chicken were once again nipped in the bud.

The duo followed the woman into a apartment complex,

"I grew up here" said anya after stopping in front of the door through which the woman went in.


"Yes?" the woman asked after opening the door, "Anya...?"

Red wings of dreamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora