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10:00 am the next morning,

"Anya-san, wake up" said Anya's secretary as she gently shaked her.

"Oh, Mito whats the time?" said the blue eyed girl, lazily

"Its 10:00, you have a meeting with Endeavor- san at 10:30." Replied Mito.

"Its 10:00, already?!?" said Anya as she jumped out of the bed, "Ugh fuck, I cant be late for this meeting."

Even though Anya was irresponsible and sometimes lazy, she was quite a hard worker. Thus, after all the drama, she was finally ready for her meeting.

"Fuck! What will he think of me" said Anya as she locked the front door of her apartment.

Well now that she's gone lets go back to our winged hero,

"Oh god what's the time?" thought hawks as he rubbed his eyes. "Wow, its only 10 huh?"

Slowly rising up from his bed, he walked over to the bathroom to well start his morning.

"Hm, lets go see who the new neighbour is today." Thought the hero as he brushed his teeth.

"Hawkie!" yelled out a feminine voice from the bedroom, "Where are you?"

"Oh god, who is she?" thought he with a  surprised look on his face. "I am here in the bathroom"

"oh Hawkie, I am going to leave but I left something for you" she said with a wink...?

Let's just say that Hawks now has a black lacy bra and he has no idea what to do with it.

As he opened the door to leave for the day, he saw a well interesting neighbour, since everyone saw this coming that neighbour was none other than our Anya.

"Why is she running? At 10?! In the morning?!?"

Thus now that we know that our hero has a black bra lets go back to Anya,

As she entered the huge building, and heard a familiar voice

"Anya-san!" called out Endeavor's secretary, "my name is Sakura, we talked on the phone"

"Oh yes, it's a pleasure to meet you Sakura-san"

"Let me escort you to Endeavor-san's office"

"Thank you" said Anya as she bowed down in respect.

Standing in front of the wooden door of the office, The secretary knocked twice and then opened the door.

"Endeavor-san, this is Miss Anya" said Sakura, giving a minor introduction.

"Endeavor-san it is a pleasure to meet you" said Anya

"Kindly have a seat, Ms.Taketori"

As said Anya took a seat and pulled out a notebook,

"Lets not waste anymore time and start the meeting right away" continued Endeavor

The meeting continued as usual, and it would be fair to say that the number one hero was quite impressed with the young architect's ideas and designs.

"I'll start designing the building and we can go over the minor details later" said Anya, "Thank you for letting me design this tower, it is a great honour"

"Please the pleasure is all mine" said the hero with a poker face.

Hence the meeting came to an end.

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