"And I thought you were disguised as guards" Ho-chien said with a smirk.

(Y/n) realized this and regained her compsure.

"I'm glad you've decided on returning the favor to whoever did this to you" Ho-chien said in a whisper. "And don't worry , I'm probably the only here who recognizes you and your dear butler".

Sebastian glared at Ho-chien while (Y/n) gulped a lump down her throat.

"No one's going to believe a crazy injured merchant whose is rumored to sustain brain damage after all" He said out loud.

Sebastian and (Y/n) were alarmed at what was Ho-chien doing. But they calmed upon seeing the guests ignoring him.

"See , they'll just think that I'm a crackpot" Ho-chien whispered to (Y/n). "I'll be heading of now... I hope you don't plan on setting this place on fire".

"It depends on the situation" (Y/n) replied sternly as Ho-chien left.

The two waited for the coronation to start , until the trumpets were played.

"It's beginning" Sebastian said as he looked at his mistress.

(Y/n) nodded. "All we have to do is wait for Emily and Edgar ... I wonder where are they now ?".


"E-Edgar..." Emily couldn't believe that the person right in front of her is dead.

Her own brother , now lifeless.

"Pitiful , I though he'd last much longer" Jessarie said in a dissapointed tone. "But I guess I'm better at my job than Cicinta... At least I killed one of Cicinta's supposed targets" she said with a grin.

"How dare you ..." Emily muttered. She grabbed her brother's sword and gripped it tightly.

Jessarie rose a brow. "Oh ?".

"We never did anything to you... None of us did , Edgar , (Y/n)... All of us never did anything to disturb you" Emily as she stood up. Her hands were shaking.

"I'm just doing my job" Jessarie responded.

"Job ?" Emily spoke. "You didn't do your job ... You made a huge mistake" She looked at Jessarie , her eyes filled with rage.

"A mistake that you will take to your grave" Emily said darkly.

"I guess I'm about to kill to Midfords tonight" Jessarie said with a smug look on her face. But it was instantly erased as Emily suddenly disappeared right infront of her.

"Uh , where has she -" Emily didn't give Jessari time to finish her sentence as she appeared behind her back and was about to slash her with her sword.

"So fast !" Jessarie's reflexes kicked in and deflected Emily's sword's with her. She then began on shooting at Emily , but the girl managed to dodge every bullet.

'How ? She wasn't fast awhile ago' Jessarie thought as she was now on the defensive.

Emily showed no mercy , she kept on attacking Jessarie with any opening she could find. Although , the soldier was able to dodge every move... But it didn't mean Emily was giving up.

Then -


Emily managed to land a blow on Jessarie shoulder. Jessarie placed her hand on her injury , but let out a chuckle.

"Is that all you can do ?" Jessarie exclaimed. "It isn't enough to kill me !".

Emily wiped the blood of her sword. "Who told you that was all ? I'm just getting started..."

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