Chapter Five - The Problem with Teenage Hormones

Start from the beginning

Liking Jace for more than the arrogant pain that he was, was simply unacceptable. It couldn't happen and I'd rather jump in the lake naked in mid-winter, than accept that I might, just might, have developed a small crush on the star Quarterback. A guy I'd soon be sharing a bathroom with and where I might get a peak... No! I shook my head and banished the thought immediately.

My heart rate had quickened during my little internal discussion, but a happy yap interrupted everything and two black paws suddenly rested on my knees. I stared down at the dog; it was a Beagle and with one look behind his paws I could establish that it was a he.

"Well hello there gorgeous," I mused and reached out to scratch him behind his floppy ears. His tongue stuck out and he leaned his head in as to say the scratching was just what he'd been hoping for. He barked satisfyingly at me and I couldn't help but to grin. This dog was adorable. Sometimes I wished that Zeus was a little bigger, but then the thought of not being able to scoop him up into my arms made me absolutely content with his size.

"Jack?" Someone called out and immediately the Beagle's ears perked; clearly it was his owner.

"Jack what do you think you're doing harassing that poor young lady?" The guy made his way over and Jack hopped down on all fours, tail still wagging happily as he waited obediently for his owner.

"Oh don't worry, I don't mind," I said with a smile, reaching down to pat Jack on the head, earning me a sloppy kiss in my palm.

I looked up as the guy came closer and I noticed he was wearing a black leather jacket and grey shirt underneath, with washed-out jeans and boots. But I also noticed that his voice had seemed familiar. Where had I heard it before?

Just as he came to a halt behind his dog, I realized with an obvious surprise just who Jack's owner was. Caleb stared at me with an unfazed expression so I thought he might not have recognized me. Thanks for that by the way.

"Oh, uhm hi," I said, thinking I should still be friendly towards him. It was always better to be on the good side of the guys at school who looked like they could beat the crap out of anyone they met.

"Hi..." His answer was slow, but then his expression changed and recognition flashed across his face. "Hey, I know you. You're Chloe, right?."

"Yeah, uhm, that's me," I said, not knowing why my face suddenly felt a hundred degrees hotter.

A high-pitched bark then proceeded to pierce my ears as Zeus came barreling towards us, running right at Jack who returned the bark. The little dog stopped right under the Beagle's nose, immediately giving the other dog a once-over.

"He yours?" Caleb asked as he watched how the two dogs took to liking each other.

"Yeah, he is," I replied, inwardly trying to will the blush in my cheeks to go away.  

At that, Zeus shifted his focus on to Caleb and charged at him, jumping up his leg, which actually produced a smile on the tough guy's face, though he was quick to disguise it with a scowl when he saw me looking.

There was definitely no way that those crappy rumors about him were true. Others might be fooled, but not me.

As I kept on staring, his scowl turned into an annoyed one.

"Are you done looking or what?"

I blinked and felt the flush return to my cheeks.

"I wasn't looking," I muttered under my breath as I gathered Zeus' leash and got up.

"Whatever, I'm leaving," I said, but before I could get to my dog, Caleb bent down and grabbed Zeus, pulling him into his arms much to the dog's delight. He licked Caleb's face, but the guy didn't respond to the affection. He was too busy staring at me.

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