Chapter Twenty-Five

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The mental link to Wolfrick was suddenly cut. Breq couldn't be certain her warning made it through. Although it was a new experience to share her headspace with another, she felt the loss keenly.

Remembering that she could still use their soul-bond to communicate what she was feeling, Breqlynn opened her emotions wide. Fear for Micah, the trips and herself was sent to Jaeger.

The bloodsucker's gaze became bloodshot, and his tongue flicked out from between his lips. He halted, eyes closed, savoring Breq's fear. A shiver of revulsion coursed through her. After that, it was easy for her to get her emotions under control.

"Be at ease, witch. I mean you no harm." The vamp tried to sound reassuring but fell short. His accent sounded Greek.

Backing up, Breqlynn put the desk between them. "Your actions tell a different tale. It's not wise to ambush one of my race." A ball of fire appeared in her palm. Aeddon had her and Keys practice fighting against one of this devil spawn's race. He taught them fire was no vampire's friend. Pulling more of that element within her, Breq waited for the creep's next move.

Hands coming up in supplication, the vamp stopped in the middle of Breqlynn's office. "I have a proposition for you. Please, hear me out before taking any ill-advised, permanent action."

"Release my Micah, and I won't release my fire." Breq's palm came up to eye level.

"The human is unharmed."

"Release her."

"Then, you will listen?"

The only answer the vamp received was a baring of teeth.

Those dark eyes turned red-tinged once more. Breqlynn was about to barbecue his demon-spawn ass when she heard the sweetest sound. "Breq?" Micah called.

Breqlynn dropped her magic just as her assistant's head popped through the door. "I'm not feeling well." The human's tone was uneven and a little thready.

Breq had done alternative research on vampires after the fiasco in Vârcolac Turn. Remembering what she read, it was no wonder Micah was feeling unwell. The aftereffects of a vamp mesmerization were not-so-pleasant. Micah's usually tanned face was pale. Those hazel eyes widened when they spied the man in the room. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had a client." A vee formed between her brows, likely wondering how the large man could have slipped past her station so near the entrance to the office.

"Go on home, Mic. Drink lots of orange juice and get some rest," Breqlynn advised, happy to note her tone was steady.

"Thanks, Breq. Goodbye Mr. -"

"Stavros. Nikos Stavros." The vampire didn't even hesitate in giving his name, making Breqlynn wonder if it was real.

Micah's dark head dipped. "Sorry again to have interrupted your meeting."

"Get well soon, Mic," Breq called after the departing figure.

They both listened as the human left through the front door. "You've got some 'splaining to do, vamp." Breqlynn was feeling slightly calmer now that her friend was out of harm's way.

"I'm not a vampire." Stavros' stance was relaxed, even though he remained still as a statue in the middle of the room.

"Oh?" Breq didn't believe his claim. The element he most feared made another appearance.

"I'm a daemon. We are kin to vampires, but do not possess their inhumanity or bloodlust," Nikos explained, seeming unafraid of the reappearing fire.

"So, you're a daemon, huh?" Breqlynn's eyes narrowed. "You aren't fucking with me, are you?"

"No," Stavros took a step back as the element in Breq's palm flared dangerously hot. "Everyone tends to lump us in with them because, although vampires are not daemon, some daemon turn vampire. It's because of this, we 'died out' centuries ago." Nikos straightened, quickly regaining his bravado. "That is why I sought you out after seeing you the other night."

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