Chapter Seven

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The men weren't outside at their appointed time. Breqlynn flew over the backyard in search of them. They were nowhere to be seen.

Had she gone too far with the neutering pamphlet?

No, of course not. Breq needed Jaeger gone if she was to be able to live in her own home peacefully. Maybe he'd taken the hint, packed up and left?

The thought didn't fill Breqlynn with triumph. She'd have thought the shifter king was made of sterner stuff. Plus, she had other plans for his discomfort waiting in the wings.

One of the lower, new windows on the east side of Jaeger's house was open. Breqlynn flew to it and landed on the ledge. It looked into a study filled with dark, heavy and masculine furnishings. They fairly screamed "bachelor pad."

Sitting at the large, mahogany desk in front of her was Jaeger. His back was to her, but Breqlynn could see his propped-up feet up on its surface. He was talking on the phone.

If Breq could've managed to sneer with a beak, she would have. She hated shoes on any furniture.

Breq ignored the sudden pull on the bond. It wanted her to land in Jaeger's lap and revert to human. Stupid bonding.

"...see what you can find. He hasn't been seen since the night of the twenty-sixth in Butte."

The conversation must be about that asshat, Griffin. At least Jaeger was keeping his promise to look for the jerk. With no new information coming from the wolf, Breq had had her doubts.

Wolfrick listened to what was said on the other end of the line. Since Breqlynn was behind him and the window was cracked open, she also heard the reply.

"I'll look over the surveillance videos. If we're lucky, we'll see his vehicle and the plate number." The other man sounded...lighter. He wasn't a brooder like Wolfrick.

"If he drove."

"Yes, but I'm feeling lucky."

"I'm glad one of us is," the shifter king sighed with feeling. Breq wasn't the only one experiencing sexual frustration it would seem. "Just investigate it for me, Brice. I'll owe you one."

"Sure thing, my king."

"You're batting your eyelashes, aren't you?" Jaeger deadpanned.

Breqlynn was still wondering if she'd heard the man correctly when the one named Brice answered. "Of course, I am. I'll call when I have something."

"Thank you, Brice."

As soon as the call disconnected, the shifter chuckled. "The twit."

Jaeger had a sense of humor. Who knew?

Dropping his feet to the ground, Wolfrick walked toward the bookshelves on the wall behind him. He was out of Breq's line of sight. She was about to hop forward when his head suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Hello, Cinderella."

A surprised squawk escaped as Breqlynn hopped back. She nearly ass-planted in the bush beneath the window. Her talons dug into the ledge, saving her from an embarrassing fall.

Taking flight briefly in order to land more firmly on the ledge, Breq squawked in indignation at Jaeger.

"You have nothing to be angry about," Wolfrick said as he wagged a finger in Breqlynn's direction, then dropped his hand. "You are the spy and trespasser yet again."

So, Jaeger knew Breq was the raven flitting about his place, but for how long had he known? Since she couldn't slap the smug smile from his face, she pecked at him instead. Jaeger jerked his head back just before her beak made contact with his nose. Very unsatisfying.

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