Chapter Twenty-Three

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Rising the next morning, Breqlynn vowed to disabuse Jaeger of what she dubbed his "virgin on prom night tendencies." After some carefully placed questions, she found out from a perplexed Amanda that the "I won't claim you until you get to know me better" thing wasn't common to most shifters. Or any shifter but one, to be more precise. Damn her luck anyway.

Breq went to work later than usual, having slept in due to her long night. As customary, her assistant was bubbly and full of "good mornings" and "welcome backs." Annoying human.

Isabel, the problem client, had left three messages. Not feeling up to dealing with the woman yet - or ever - Breqlynn took great delight in balling them up and shit-canning them. She had better things to do than track down gaudily bejeweled eggs.

The empty puppy bed in the corner of her office didn't improve Breqlynn's mood. The hellhound had disappeared after delivering a wounded Wolfrick to Aeddon. She worried about Kala but knew the dog could take care of herself. Still, it was lonely without her constantly underfoot.

By lunch, Breq hadn't made much progress in her plan to seduce a reluctant shifter king. The best she came up with was to roofie him, but it was nearly impossible to keep his race drugged for long. Damn their high metabolisms anyway.

"Breqlynn, you have a visitor," Micah practically sang over the intercom.

Figuring it was Keys come to catch up, Breq snagged her coat on the way out of her office.

It wasn't Breqlynn's twin.

"I see you've met my human," Breq said by way of greeting.

The bubbly brunette giggled, apparently struck vapid by their visitor. "You're my favorite human, too," came Micah's erroneous rejoinder.

Wolfrick, who'd plopped his left asscheek on the corner of Breqlynn's assistant's desk, rose. "She happens to be mine as well." He shot Breq a wink.

It was annoying to see Jaeger in such a good mood and well-rested. Unfair is what it was. Breqlynn was still upset and frustrated with how he'd left things last night. "So now you've met the baby daddy," she blurted as she buttoned up her coat.

Micah's hazel eyes went round, and Breq kicked herself for handling the introduction so poorly. The man in question gave her a hooded look.

"Wolfrick Jaeger," his words broke into the awkward silence. He held out his hand, and the other woman took it, saying, "Micah Iverson."

"I believe we've texted." Jaeger was all but ignoring Breq.

Probably giving me a chance to rein in my crazy.

"Yes, that was me." Micah flashed Breqlynn a look, then addressed Jaeger. "I'm grateful to you that there haven't been any repeats."

Wolfrick chuckled, understanding the reference even if Breq didn't. He shot her another look under his lashes. "I'm a quick study and have kept her busy."

Not liking the feeling of being left out, Breqlynn cut into their inside conversation. "Did you stop by to take me to lunch?"

"Yes, I did. Where would you like to go?"

It was on the tip of Breq's tongue to suggest "Cilantro" but ingesting refried beans when one was trying to be seductive was likely not a good idea. "How about Abby's Steakhouse?" she asked after saying goodbye to Micah. They were at the bottom of the stairs. "It's just around the corner."

"Abby's it is." Wolf wrapped Breqlynn's hand in his. He hadn't been sure how she'd receive him this afternoon. The little witch hadn't been happy when Wolfrick left her last night. He was serious about holding off on claiming her. One night of talking was a good start, but he wasn't going to race to the finish with such a monumental decision.

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