c o n v e r s a t i o n

46 13 0

"I love you, i've loved you since years ago," you said.

"I may not perfect, but i found the love that are beautiful and perfect enough. I've learn about perfection, and i've learn to love the world like you do." you grabbed her hand, hold it tightly.

Her lips turn to make a curved.

There isn't a single lie there, right? Please say no, my heart guessing.

"I love you, i've loved you too–now until forever," she answered.

Nothing could be more complicated.

You are not mine.
You will never be mine.
You are choosing her over me.

.our story end up like this.—


omg, apa ini :v
maafkan ketidakjelasan dan gramatical error-nya ya.. ini edisi pengen bahasa inggris aja :))

ditunggu vote comment ya~

thank you readers♥

[2] Asa dalam Rasa | ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang