da Beginning

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Heyo! If you are wondering why i didn't update earlier, i have a good reason. The wifi died. Being my idiotic self, i logged out of my account and couldn't get back in. But I'm back now.

If you think this book is crappiest, I totally agree with you.


" I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!" Emma chimes as she runs to school with a box of treats from her grandparents bakery, the same type of macaroons her mother had 21 years ago. Her grandparents told her.

She stops at a pedestrian light when it turns red. " Almost there! Almost there! Almost there!" She was just hoping the light would turn green soon. An old man in a Hawaiian shirt is crossing but a bit too slowly. A car was coming. He had just a few seconds before...

Emma runs out and grabs his hand pulling him to the safety of the pedestrian walkway. In the process, she spills half the box of macaroons. The old man thanks her, the light turns green and she made her last lap to school.

She enters a her class and took her usual seat behind her crush, Kayde. He was the son of Luka and Kagami.

Emma loved everything about him. His dark blue hair, his brown eyes, his music, even his name, Kayde. The way it sounds K.D. Her eyes filled with hearts every time he did the slightest thing.

Her bestest friend and her favorite of the Lahiffe twins, Darien came in a few seconds later and took his seat beside her. She had expected to come and meet the black haired lemon eyed, Darien in class but for some reason, he was late. She asked him why he was late as they shared what was left of the macaroons.

He said he was helping an old man find his way home. Darien was so kind.

The second of the Lahiffe twins, Daisy, had already been sitting in class beside the love of Emma's life. The teacher came in and class began.


"Master you can't keep doing this. You're getting too old." Says a small worried voice.

"No, I'm not. I'm just a hundred and three years old." replies a louder, steadier voice

" You said you were just 286, twenty one years ago."

Is that how old he was? Idk😅

"I'm still young. Now, I think we may have found our new heroes. Tikki and Plagg would love them."

The smaller voice sighs.

Back in class...

Let me just five you an insight on the characters. Emma has blonde hair and bluebell eyes, like in the cover picture. Daisy has long auburn hair and likes to be quiet. She loves music and hopes to be a DJ like her dad someday. And like her dad, likes to wear hats. She is basically girl Nino. Darien on the other hand, has black dishevelled hair and is a bit too outspoken. He runs a blog passed down by his mother. Its been inactive for a while now. He loves anything tech. He's basically boy Alya. Both twins have lemony green eyes.

My idea for how Darien would look was based on Persassy Jackson.

They were just having a normal lesson until out of the gloom, an iron giant comes right through the wall. "Claire!" It screamed.

Claire is based of Clarisse La Rue. Also from PJO.

Emma's guess was that Claire had made it mad. Claire was the daughter of Alix and Kim. Idk their last names. She was born after her mother divorced Nathaniel. Idk his last name either. I'm a bad MLB fangirl. As a result of that, Claire has an older brother called Ethan. He's Nathaniel's son. Their only born 10 months apart in the same year. Claire's got pink hair and like her mom, is Vertically challenged but she may be short, her temper was a 1000 times shorter. She was very daring too.

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