Chapter Thirty Five

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~Sirius' POV~

Emile's hands brought a cooling relief as he gently cupped my cheek in one hand as his other tenderly brushed against my aching neck. Every gentle touch brought a wave of relief and alleviated the pain from the demon's attack. A small amount of blood bubbled up in the back of my throat. The demon had caused some pretty extensive damage. I choked and a thin rivulet of blood trickled from the corner of my lips.

Esme's frantic pacing halted and she rushed over to my side and helped pull me into an upright position afraid I'd choke to death on my own blood. She looked like her normal self again, no longer like an eerie demonic version of herself dripping with blood. Tears streaked down her pale cheeks as she propped me into a sitting position.

"Don't speak." Emile warned me as I tried to open my mouth to reassure them that I was alright. I shut my mouth and let him continue healing me with his touch.

"We shouldn't have let you out of our sight, we should have been here sooner." Esme cried.

"The demon will pay for this." Emile's voice was dark and venomous and I felt a chill run down my spine. I shivered involuntarily. Tenderly, Emile pulled me against his lithe frame hugging me against him. My back was pressed into his surprisingly taut chest as he continued gently massaging my neck repairing the damage with every gentle caress.

I coughed again expelling more blood from my lips before I was able to breathe easier. Esme flitted about in front of me unsure of what to do looking torn between wanting to comfort me, help me or hunt down and slaughter the demon butler.

"Esme, get the blood." Emile ordered her calmly and indicated a clean cloth sitting atop my nightstand.

Esme partially listened to his command. She knelt in front of my bed and gently smoothed her hand through my hair until it rested against the back of my skull. Her eyes seemed to glow as she sat up a little straighter before licking my neck where the blood had dripped down to. My stomach churned unpleasantly as I realized she was licking up my blood.

"Esme." Emile sighed in annoyance.

"Why let it go to waste?" Esme giggled as her tongue tickled the side of my neck lapping up the blood hungrily. She slowly made her way up my neck to my chin before capturing my lips in hers.

A gasp escaped me as I felt her hot tongue enter my mouth to get the last remnants of blood. Emile's grip on me tightened as Esme explored my mouth with her tongue making my head spin. This was not at all how I was expecting my day to go.

"Esme!" Emile's voice cracked like a whip and Esme tore away from me looking momentarily frightened before a sly smile claimed her lips.

"Sorry, brother dear, did you want a taste?" She giggled.

Emile's rose-colored eyes narrowed into a glare, "Leave us." Esme reluctantly did as she was bid. Emile sighed before gently tilting my head to look at him, "are you alright?"

"I feel fine." Even as the words left my mouth, I knew they weren't entirely honest. I did feel fine, but I also felt very lethargic.

Emile smiled softly, "you should rest." He shifted me in his arms and laid me back down on my bed before gingerly sweeping my hair away from my face. His rose-colored eyes fell on my lips and he sighed, "inefficient as always."

He gently brushed his thumb across my lips sending an electric jolt through my body at the sensual touch. A small smirk twitched at his lips noticing my body reacting to his touch. When he withdrew his thumb, I saw a small smear of blood across his finger. He licked it off and smiled.

Dead Sirius (Black Butler)Where stories live. Discover now