Chapter Thirty Four

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~Sirius' POV~

I found myself in darkness walking across a tile floor heading toward a faint glow in the distance. With each step I took, the light in the distance glowed brighter. After a few steps, I felt a thick liquid substance beneath my feet and felt my heart stutter in my chest as I looked down. It was blood. My gaze flit back the way I had come and I spotted black and white checkered tile with blood bubbling up from beneath spilling through the cracks.

A scream escaped me as I attempted to escape the blood and I ran toward the light as fast as my legs would take me. The blood grew thicker the closer I got to the light and before I knew it, it was up to my ankles. In the not too far off distance I saw the source of the glow, a candelabra atop a table set for tea. I resumed my pace running through the blood and felt the panic begin to consume me as the blood only seemed to rise the closer I got to the light. Before long I was wading through it.

"Sirius?" Ciel's voice barked from the head of the table. Why was he here? I strained my eyes to focus on him, he was still too far away, but I could barely make out his features and a tilted crown atop his head. What was going on?

I waded through the blood for what felt like hours until I finally managed to reach the table set for tea with Ciel sitting on a throne at the head of it looking like a gothic king. "Ciel, what's going on?" I asked fearfully.

"By order of the queen, those found guilty for the death of Derrick Arden, are to be executed." His voice was cold.

"No! Ciel, it's not their fault, they're not to blame." I begged, "Please, leave them alone."

"No one is above the law, Sirius." Ciel's singe revealed eye narrowed into a glare as he glanced around at the other chairs at the table.

I drew closer and a blood curdling scream escaped me as I spotted the prefects sitting at the table each with a pristine silver knife protruding from their chests and blood dribbling from their mouths.

"NO!" I shrieked as I rushed to Herman's side, "No! This can't be happening! Please don't die, Herman." I cried as I fumbled to pull the blade from his chest only to scream in mortification as his heart came with it.

"Sirius!" Someone was shaking me, "Sirius, wake up! He's not dead." They shook me harder. "Please, Sirius, I need you to wake up." I felt the brush of soft lips against my forehead.

Though I knew it had only been a dream, it was far too vivid. Tears clung to my cheeks, tears I couldn't seem to stop from falling. Someone was rocking me in their arms, clutching me desperately.

"Sirius, my love, please, you're scaring me." Esme's soft voice cooed and I felt soft lips brush against my own.

"Get Greenhill here." Emile ordered softly.

"It's going to be annoying." Esme growled, "He's going to be cross that she's in your room."

"I'll deal with it later." Emile sighed, "Get him."

There was a faint popping sound and I could no longer sense Esme's presence, but for some reason I couldn't stop the tears from falling or will myself to move. The dream played across my mind on repeat. They were all going to die because of me.

"Sirius, please wake up." Emile's breath tickled my ear, "It was just a dream, everything will be alright."

"Bellerose, what's the meaning of this?!" I heard Greenhill's voice in the distance, "You can't go in the boy's dormitories! Get back here!"

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