Goodbye Single Life!

Start from the beginning

"You don't have to," I said. Wow, he has mood swings. First, he was happy, then he was threatening me, now he is thanking me. Maria finally noticed me.

"Oh, Michael, come here." She invited. I walked over and said hi. "The ring is beautiful. Who made it?"

"Charles Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus," I said. "The only one I trust with this kind of thing."

"I'm going to have thank him," Bianca said as she looked at the ring on her finger. "His work is incredible."

"Yes, it is. What is the meaning of the engraving?" Maria asked.

"Well, my patron is basically hell. I'd go through him if it was to get to her." I explained. We talked for a little while longer until Hades had to take her back to the underworld. Soon, it was just us demigods left. We went back to the Apollo cabin and went to sleep, Bianca and I sharing a bed. No one seemed to care that we were breaking about a dozen rules with this action.


Morning came too quick. I woke to see an empty cabin and a sprawl of black hair on my uncovered chest. I held in a chuckle. We were both covered by blankets. I had Bianca wrapped in my arms as she slept on my chest. One of her arms was intertwined with mine while the other was hanging off the bed. Our legs were also intertwined, but not in an uncomfortable position. I shifted a little and it caused her to stir.

"Sorry," I muttered to her.

"No, no, it's fine," she said groggily. She let out a yawn. "It's about time we get up anyways."

"I guess you're right." I could feel her smirk into my chest.

"I'm always right."

"Yes, ma'am." I kissed her before rolling out of bed. I made my way to the closet and got clothes on. Halfway through changing, Bianca walked into the closet as well. She quickly pulled on some underwear and ripped jeans shorts. I slipped on some jeans and a hooded shirt. She grabbed a tank top and we walked out. She slipped into the shirt before I opened the door.

Outside, I saw Lee and Lilly about to knock on the door.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Silena," Lilly said sounding exhausted.

"Ah," I said knowingly. "She wants to start to plan everything?" They nodded. "Well, we might as well go get this over with. It should be fun."

It was not fun. Silena tried to make us choose everything all at once. We soon got overwhelmed and Beckendorf had to calm Silena down. She apologized and we said that it was fine. We had at least decided the date of our wedding. It was supposed to be next year on January 21st, a week before Nico's birthday. I was fine with this because a majority of the campers wasn't in camp except for summers.

The rest of the day was uneventful. People came and congratulated Bianca and me on our engagement. Nothing else was really noteworthy.


In November, Silena and the girls dragged Bianca off to get a dress for her and to decide on colors. Nico and Apollo dragged me and my groomsmen—which consisted of Percy, Nico, Apollo, Travis, and Beckendorf—to decide on tuxedos.

Us guys came back first. We had already decided that the colors were going to be black and white. When the girls came back they made Bianca and I leave so I couldn't see her dress. We also had begun talking about the arrangements about who would sit with who. It's a lot harder than you'd think.

Then there was also the matter of where it was going to take place. After a good long while of debating, we decided to go to somewhere from my youth—Elk Grove Park in Elk Grove, California. A long ways, yeah, but the gods who were attending offered to transport everyone coming to the wedding. It wasn't going to be a lot of people. Just 28 people: Percy, Zoe, Killian, Lilly, Summer, Silena, Beckendorf, Nico, Chris, Clarisse, Lee, Will, Katie, Travis, Connor, Leo, Reyna, Dakota, Brooklyn, Everett, Alexia, Malcom, Alex, Annabeth, Lou Ellen, Luke, Thalia, Castor, Pollux, Ethan, Bianca's mom, and Alex's mom. Well, those are the mortals that are coming. The immortals that were coming are Dad, Apollo, Nyx, Artemis, Hestia, Hades, and Hermes. A good sized group.

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