We Meet the Eccentric Lord of Chaos

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Percy POV

It's been a few weeks since Michael and I ditched camp, and supplies are finally starting to dwindle. Thanks to the bags Michael got from Lou, we've had a large supply of food, clothes, money, and other necessities for living in this modern world. Will had given us a very large case of ambrosia and two gallons worth of nectar. He's generous that way. Nico sometimes hangs out with us, sometimes bringing new supplies or the latest gossip from camp with him. We train with each other each and every day, and it usually ends in a monster attack. We've faced the minitour at least three times, a dozen hellhounds, four Cyclopes, and eight dracaenas. Somehow Michael has this memorized and informs me at the end of each day.

But as I said earlier, we were finally running out of supplies. We usually loot whatever is left behind of the monsters and have found at least six drachmae from the four cyclopses, and a few hellhound teeth and claws. Nothing else is very useful, but we take what we can use. One of the dracaenas used a bow and Michael took to training with it, using some of the hellhound teeth as arrowheads. He's become decent, but not as good as his half-brothers at camp.

At the moment, we were crossing the border between Ohio and Pennsylvania. Michael had his sword in hand, just in case there were any monsters nearby.

As soon as we were both across the border and searching for a place to sleep for the night, a dark glow surrounded us. Like every other time we were attacked, we stood back to back, our swords ready in hand. A strong, booming voice echoed around us, reverberating in our bones. "Hello, Perseus Jackson and Michael Triest," it thundered. "You have no need to be afraid of me."

"Said every horror movie villain and clown alive," Michael murmured, mainly to himself.

"Now is not the time Michael," I hissed.

"Lo siento," he apologized.

"I assure you, I am no villain." The voice boomed again. "I am merely a being that is very interested in you two."

"Good interested or bad interested?" Michael asked. I elbowed him. "Ow! I'm just making sure."

"I would say good interested." The voice said.

"Can you tell us who you are?" I asked calmly.

"I can do you one better." It said. "I can show you." Suddenly, we were in a giant room lit with torches. The room was colored darkly with entryways in three of the four walls. The last wall was behind a white-colored throne made of smooth marble or granite. Sitting on top of it was a man in a dark suit, his skin almost the same color as the throne he sat on. His hair had black streaks in its pure white color, giving it an off-putting feel. His eyes were a whole other thing. They looked to be pitch black but if closely looked at, you could make out stars and galaxies and nebulas in them. At seeing the man only five feet in front of us, I immediately knelt down, opting to show respect, unlike the Olympians. Michael was down next to me after a second. "Hello, Perseus and Michael. I am Chaos, creator of the universe you live in. Please, do not bow. It makes me feel old." We stood up and fidgeted awkwardly.

"Lord Chaos," I spoke up. "Why are we here?"

"Why," he started. "I have you here so that I could give you a better life." My jaw dropped.

"What do you mean, a better life?" Michael asked the ancient being to elaborate.

"I would send you back in time, back to when Percy here first found out that he was a demigod." He told us. "You would start from where you want, how old you want to be, who's child you want to be, and looking how you want if you wish. I could even bring back the dead if you wished them to be alive."

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